Talking Pictures
The Future Of China...

I had been wandering through side streets of a rural Chinese village in the farmlands south of Beijing hoping to find interesting subject matter for documenting the contrast between the "old" and "new" China when I came upon what I initially thought was a deserted military compound. On further inspection, I noticed this multicolored wall painting depicting the importance of educating schoolchildren about the high technology of the 21st century--replete with references to space travel and satellite communications. I was about to photograph this provocative image when, suddenly, with the familiar sound of a school bell, out flowed a group of youngsters from the interior of what was now, obviously, the community elementary school. As the children streamed past the mural I took this photo literally capturing China's next generation rushing toward that country's future!
--Stuart Posner
Paradise Valley, AZ

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The premise of Talking Pictures is that every picture has a story. We invite you to send quality prints (only) and a short narrative on why you took the picture or how, in retrospect, it brings up thoughts and feelings about the subject.

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Talking Pictures, Shutterbug
1419 Chaffee Dr., Suite #1
Titusville, FL 32780