Take 5 Minutes to Learn the Amazing Power of Curves in Photoshop (VIDEO)

There are many tutorials out there about how to use the powerful Curves tool in Photoshop to adjust your images. And, in fact, we have featured quite a few of them at Shutterbug.

But if you were to take the time to watch just one of these videos, we’d suggest spending five minutes on the below clip from Aaron Nace of Phlearn. Titled “The Amazing Power of Curves in Photoshop,” the short video is an excellent primer on how to bend Curves to do your image-editing will.

In the tutorial, Nace shows you “how the Curves Adjustment Layers can be used to fix exposure, brighten up a subject, and add creative coloring to any photo.” You will also “learn how to use Curves in combination with Layer Masks and the Brush Tool to make precision adjustments and solve a wide variety of problems in Photoshop.”

You can download the sample image Nace uses in his lesson here, so you can follow along. After you watch the video, go visit Phlearn’s YouTube channel for more great tutorials. Then below the video, you'll find links to three more Curves tutorials for extra help.

Here’s a Simple Explainer on How to Use the Powerful Curves Adjustment in Photoshop (VIDEO)

How to Use One of the Most Important & Most Powerful Tools in Photoshop: Curves (VIDEO)

More Simple Secrets to Using the Powerful Curves Tool in Photoshop (VIDEO)