Student Union - Billy Wrobel

Student Union

© 2002, Deborah Wrobel, All Rights Reserved


Fallston High School
Fallston, Maryland

Photos © 2002, Billy Wrobel, All Rights Reserved

Although Fallston High School, where Billy is a junior, doesn't offer photo courses, he plans to study photography at a community college this summer and during his college years. His photo information, so far, comes from a combination of "experience and reading magazines (such as Shutterbug) and nature photography books."

His career goal is in the field of medical research and biochemistry, but, he says, "photography will always be a part of my life." Currently it is so much a part that he says, "I do photography whenever I am not doing homework."

Do you know a student whose work deserves recognition? If so, contact our editorial department by e-mail: or call (321) 269-3212.