Student Union - Andrew Mo

Andrew Mo
University Of California
At San Diego

Days At The Races

Andrew, a senior at the university, is an electrical engineering major. He qualifies for this column because he is taking a photography course. It is, however, his first and only photography course: a portfolio class that's open only to seniors with majors or minors in photography. "I thought it would be great for me, as I'm trying to make up my mind about photography as a career," he says. "I showed my portfolio, talked about my interest in the class, and jumped through a lot of hoops, but I got in."

All Photos © 2006, Andrew Mo, All Rights Reserved

Earlier this year Andrew was accepted in the 2006 Collegiate Sports Journalism Seminar, an annual workshop held at Churchill Downs the week prior to the Kentucky Derby. "Going to the workshop was part of figuring out if photography is what I want to do," he says. The images here were made at the seminar.

"I'm pretty much a self-taught photographer," Andrew says. "I learned a lot from reading, experimenting, and looking at pictures. There's so much out there to learn from. There really are no barriers."

Andrew Mo was recommended by Michael Corrado, a senior product manager at Nikon.

If you know a student whose work deserves recognition, contact our editorial department by e-mail at: or call (321) 225-3121.