PMA 08; The Latest And The Greatest In 2008; Our Annual PMA Show Report
As is our wont each year we take to the aisles of the PMA Show, the annual
and largest photo equipment show in the US, in search of new and innovative
products for photographers. This year we had six reporters, including Jon Canfield,
Jack Neubart, Jason Schneider, Robert Mayer, Peter Burian, and, new with us
at PMA this year, Ibarionex Perello, covering their respective beats; our Managing
Editor Bonnie Paulk and Associate Editor Andrea Keister, as well as yours truly,
also attended, which meant Shutterbug had more editorial coverage at the show
than any other publication, US or worldwide.
Each reporter covered areas in which they have experience and knowledge, and
the assignment was to wear their photographer's hat as they covered their
categories. The show is large and spread over two floors, so legwork, advance
knowledge, and some helpful tips from fellow reporters all helped get it done.
There were many more products at the show than we could possibly cover here.
In addition, some companies with new products didn't attend; we'll
cover any new products or those from non-attendees in subsequent issues, and
of course on our website's News Desk, which gets refreshed with breaking
news each and every working day. Nevertheless, our full team of reporters and
staff, and our dedication of this issue to the show report, means this is the
best and most coverage of the show you'll find in any publication.
The reports that follow are broken down into fairly obvious categories, although
there has been some shifting of borders of late. You can read through them all
sequentially or just flip to the areas of interest to you. Regardless of your
specific interest there are two reports that I recommend for all--our "Weird
and Wonderful" and "Best of Show." One celebrates innovative
and fun products; the other reveals each of our takes on the influential products
and trends that we felt worthy of special mention, regardless of our respective
So, this month's features are dedicated to the tools and technology that
will be on store shelves soon and that may change the way we capture, store,
and manipulate images in the future. We hope you enjoy the reports and each
writer's take on what's ahead.
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