Please comment briefly on your experience, if any, with LiveView, or give your opinion on its potential benefit in your work.

Please comment briefly on your experience, if any, with LiveView, or give your opinion on its potential benefit in your work.
Yes, I think LiveView is an important new feature that would help me choose one model over another.
69% (452 votes)
No, LiveView is not something that would sway my decision.
27% (176 votes)
I am not sure, as I have not seen it demonstrated and am not sure how it would aid my work.
4% (25 votes)
Total votes: 653

Ian Lozada's picture

I own one body with LiveView and have no intention of even finding out how to activate it. I like not having to change batteries in the middle of a job too much.

Paul Grigsby's picture

I have a Canon 40D. I think I would only use the LiveView feature for studio work and I don't do any.

Elliot Berlin's picture

I may never use this feature on my Nikon D300. Remains to be seen.

Bruce William Ashforth's picture

My 1st 'Pro' digital camera was the Olympus D-10 which had not only a 'LiveView,' but also an adjustable and tiltable screen. It could also be focused while viewing, unlike some of the Canons. While I am a committed Canon shooter, as a wedding & event photographer, I found may uses for those features. Holding the camera above my head to get a group shot while viewing the result on the tiltable screen rather than guessing and/or using a ladder. The same feature used down low, allowed me to capture the wedding party in a circle looking down, without having to lie on my back on the floor. My Canon P&S S500 and SD700 allow me to do it, so why should I expect less from my 1D or 5D?

Jim McEwen's picture

I take mostly nature/landscape. Pro's: I can get close to the ground and other than TTL. Con's: battery consumption, daylight interference with LCD, but I am in favor of the "LiveView".

R.  A.  Suomala's picture

The view through my D200 is superior in quality to any LiveView. And I can see it under any light conditions.

Steve Holaday's picture

I still prefer to look through the view finder to insre correct focus.

Robert Stephens's picture

As a long-time film camera user this feature does not interest me. I shot mostly landscapes, travel, and family. I can see a big interest if you shot macro- it could be easier.

Robert Martinez's picture

I recently purchased a Nikon D300 as an upgrade from my Nikon D70s. The LiveView feature on my D300 had no influence on my upgrade purchase. Its other features did.

David Sime's picture

LiveView is not important to me at all. Most of what I shoot is outdoors making it difficult to see the LCD to begin with. In addition I find it very difficult to focus with an LCD. An occasional shot over the heads of a crowd would be the only time I might find it helpful, but if there is any shutter lag or image lag associated with using LiveView, then it still would not be helpful.

Farron Brougher's picture

I find that LiveView on my Leica Digilux 3 is most useful with the camera indoors and on a tripod.

Stanley K.  Patz's picture

I used to do most of my photography on large-format cameras with ground-glass composition. "LiveView" and a tethered notebook computer will get me that capability back - and images will be easier to see, especially with a wide-angle lens.

Rick's picture

I have it on my camera but have only tried out of curiosity. I grew up with an SLR and that is what I want, not squinting at a little monitor.

Karl's picture

I have used LiveView on my Canon 40D. It is fun, but not useful for my type of shooting.

Michael Miller's picture

I have LiveView on my D300 and can't even see the screen in bright sunlight to compose anything. I don't really like turning up the monitor to it's highest setting because it may influence my judgement on exposure (although I do know better). I do have the Hoodman Loupe, which I love, but that makes composition cumbersome.

Barry Goldstein's picture

I own a Nikon D300 with LiveView and have only used it a few times. I find it confusing to use and of no advantage. For low angles I prefer to use a right angle finder.

Chuck Clark's picture

It really depends on the use. Serious amatures I beleive, will not think much of it, but entry level SLR users may like it as a continuation of digicam technology. The only way it really has much use is with a tilt/swivel LCD.

Hal Oliver's picture

Having worked with all format of film and digital, the camera performance is more important than the LiveView feature. Composition is done in the view finder with care and attention. Use the view finder as one would use a view camera. Compse carefully before you press the relase.

Jesse Wayne's picture

Sony's A300 & A350 have this feature, but I've had my eye on the A700 and it will probably have it on their updated model.

John DeHority's picture

If LiveView also means the ability to capture video, then it might hold some sway. In a DSLR its the lens, a low noise sensor, its the controls. For LiveView I grab a P&S and live with the shutter lag and noisy low light images.

D.  Andrews's picture

I don't see any benefit to the LiveView capability. I am more interested in the camera body and lens ability to capture the shots that I see or require. Personally I see no value in the LiveView gimmick.

Michael Lerner's picture

I chose an Olympus E510 somewhat due to it's LiveView, but in actual use, I find I don't call on it very often. I think it will appeal more to those who did not go from a film to a DSLR. I still prefer to shot from eye level.

Carl Wheeler's picture

I have used LiveView on an Olympus E-3 professionally doing macro and fine art photography, usually from either low or high vantage points. The swivel screen made the difference for me. I would not have gotten the image at that time without this feature. Most of the time, however, I use the viewfinder as it still seems easier. It's good to know I have this feature when needed though.

Mark Blum's picture

LiveView is a revolution advance in underwater photography, particularly with a screen resloution high enough to allow effective focusing on the screen.

Alan Christie's picture

LiveView is a gadget and I am trying to avoid gadgets on my equipment.

Darryl's picture

I like to do macro photography. My Nikon D300 is far better at this than my Nikon D200 because it has LiveView.

Bob Fately's picture

Except for the rare landscape or macro shot where I would want to ensure I captured the entire frame precisely as I want (a la the Nikon F 100% viewfinder decades ago) the time constraint imposed (lock up mirror for every shot) makes this less than worthwhile.

Steve's picture

If a camera had all the other features I want, then it would be no more than a nice bonus. I certainly don't see it as a deal-breaker for me.

Ben's picture

LiveView with a swivel like the Nikon CP 5000 and the 5700 for different angles shots.

Neil Walker's picture

Camera to the eye enables more stability than looking at a screen at arms length.
