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Taken with an Olympus FE-190. I bought this camera at a yardsale because it was small and could easily fit in a pocket. The photo was taken at Ponce Inlet Florida at a county park. The pay phone appears to have been smashed by vandals. It had been intact, only a few weeks earlier. I doubt it will be replaced. I tried to imagine if someone didn't understand it took money, or if there wasn't a dial tone or if they saw it as an old ugly eyesore. At any rate, they are disappearing as we are disappearing into our media devices, no longer looking at the real world around us....only at the world as our cyber device tells us it is.
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Photographer: Raymond Muzika
Raymond Muzika | Dec 22, 2017
Views: 9
Dimensions: 2112x2816
Size: 4172kb
Filed Under: Picture This: Abandoned and Discarded