Microtek ScanMaker 1000XL
Features of the ScanMaker 1000XL include 4.0 maximum optical density and full
48-bit color for richer, smoother tonal values and multiple sampling, in user-selectable
frequencies of 2, 4, 8, and 16 steps. Multiple sampling reduces random image
noise and minimizes signal fluctuation, yielding purer image output that greatly
enhances the optical density range. It incorporates a 41,300-element CCD, providing
an optical resolution of 3200 x 6400 dpi (interpolated to 25,600 dpi), allowing
for greater enhancement of scanned images. Kodak DIGITAL ICE Photo Print Technology
is built into the scanner hardware to automatically reconstruct damaged photos
by eliminating surface defects such as rips, tears, and wrinkles.
The ScanMaker 1000XL features a robust software package for professional-level
scanning. For quality images, the ScanMaker 1000XL bundles ScanWizard Pro for
direct scanning to RGB, CMYK, LAB and indexed color. The ScanMaker 1000XL Pro
also includes SilverFast Ai 6 from LaserSoft Imaging with NegaFix for superior
negative film-scanning capability. NegaFix is a real-time negative film optimization
tool designed to handle many different types of negative film (black-and-white,
and color). SilverFast Ai 6 also includes features such as dust-and-scratch
removal, grain and noise reduction, and selective color correction for changing
colors in up to four places on the scan.
The ScanMaker 1000XL will have estimated SRP below $2,700.00.
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