Major TIPA Reader Survey 2015

TIPA is an international association of 29 photography and imaging magazines from 16 countries and is well known for its prestigious TIPA Awards. This year TIPA is again conducting an international survey among its readership. We would like to find out more from you – about your photography habits, where you get your information from, how you use our magazine and what you think of it. Please join in! You can also fill out the survey on the web. Please follow this web address to find the survey online:

2014 BEST ENTRY-LEVEL DSLR: Nikon D3300 body
2014 BEST ADVANCED DSLR: Canon EOS 70D body
2014 BEST MIRRORLESS CSC: Olympus OM-D E-M10 body

1. I take photographs
❏ Daily
❏ Several times a week
❏ Once a week
❏ Several times a month
❏ Not very often
❏ Rather seasonally

2. As a photographer, I characterize myself as follows: (multiple answers allowed)
❏ I shoot a little bit of everything, without a main focus
❏ I take pictures mainly of everyday life (friends, family, etc.)
❏ I specialize in a few subjects (such as nature, fashion, sports, etc.)
❏ Photography is my favorite activity
❏ I am a trained photographer
❏ Photography is my main profession
❏ I take photos as part of my profession (graphic design, media production, etc.)

3. My photographic equipment:
– I regularly use ______ different cameras to take pictures.
(Please insert a number)

– I never go out without my camera
applies fully does not apply
❏ ❏ ❏ ❏

– I keep my photographic equipment up to date and in line with the latest technology
applies fully does not apply
❏ ❏ ❏ ❏

– I spend at least as much money on photographic accessories
as on my camera(s)
applies fully does not apply
❏ ❏ ❏ ❏

– I prefer to buy photographic products of a specific brand
applies fully does not apply
❏ ❏ ❏ ❏

– I advise others on the purchase of photographic equipment
applies fully does not apply
❏ ❏ ❏ ❏

4. My photos are captured
– Using a camera with a Micro Four Thirds-sized sensor
❏ often ❏ occasionally ❏ rarely ❏ never

– Using a camera with an APS-C-sized sensor
❏ often ❏ occasionally ❏ rarely ❏ never

– Using a DSLR with a full-frame-sized sensor
❏ often ❏ occasionally ❏ rarely ❏ never

– Using a Medium Format Digital camera
❏ often ❏ occasionally ❏ rarely ❏ never

– On film ❏ often ❏ occasionally ❏ rarely ❏ never
– In a Raw file format ❏ often ❏ occasionally ❏ rarely ❏ never
– In the JPEG file format ❏ often ❏ occasionally ❏ rarely ❏ never

5. Per year, I create approximately _______ printed photo books.

6. I use the following camera functions – Manual mode ❏ often ❏ occasionally ❏ rarely ❏ never
– Shutter priority mode ❏ often ❏ occasionally ❏ rarely ❏ never
– Aperture priority mode ❏ often ❏ occasionally ❏ rarely ❏ never
– Program mode ❏ often ❏ occasionally ❏ rarely ❏ never
– Video mode ❏ often ❏ occasionally ❏ rarely ❏ never
– Wi-Fi/WLAN ❏ often ❏ occasionally ❏ rarely ❏ never

7. I regularly research photo products
(multiple answers allowed)
1. ❏ In photography magazines
2. ❏ In computer magazines
3. ❏ In multi-topic tech magazines (digital photo/video/audio)
4. ❏ From my photo specialty retailer
5. ❏ At trade shows
6. ❏ From manufacturer brochures
7. ❏ On the Internet

The source of information I most trust is No.____

8. Shutterbug appears 12 times a year
❏ I read _______ issues per year.
❏ This is the first time I have read this magazine.

9. How I obtain Shutterbug
❏ I am a subscriber.
❏ I buy the magazine from a retailer/newsstand.
❏ I read it after someone else has finished with it.

10. I pick up an issue of Shutterbug about _____ times
to leaf through or read it.

11. Of any one issue of Shutterbug, I normally read
❏ All/almost all pages
❏ About three quarters
❏ About half
❏ Only a few pages

12. I read an issue of Shutterbug for a total of about ____ minutes.

13. Apart from myself, _____ people read any one issue of Shutterbug.

14. I rate Shutterbug as follows:
Important magazine ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ Unimportant magazine
Inspiring ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ Not inspiring
Competent ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ Incompetent
Useful ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ Not useful
Clear ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ Confusing
Unbiased ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ Biased
Current ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ Not current
Entertaining ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ Boring
Likable ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ Unlikable
Varied ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ Unvaried

15. If Shutterbug were no longer published
I would miss it.
❏ very strongly ❏ strongly ❏ less strongly ❏ not at all

16. topics you’d like to read in Shutterbug:
– Detailed camera tests
❏ very important ❏ important ❏ less important ❏ unimportant

– Comparative camera tests
❏ very important ❏ important ❏ less important ❏ unimportant

– Tips for photo accessories
❏ very important ❏ important ❏ less important ❏ unimportant

– Tests of photo accessories
❏ very important ❏ important ❏ less important ❏ unimportant

– Market overviews
❏ very important ❏ important ❏ less important ❏ unimportant

– Techniques of photography: tips and tricks
❏ very important ❏ important ❏ less important ❏ unimportant

– Photographer profiles
❏ very important ❏ important ❏ less important ❏ unimportant

– Gallery shows and exhibitions
❏ very important ❏ important ❏ less important ❏ unimportant

– Photo competitions
❏ very important ❏ important ❏ less important ❏ unimportant

17. A digital version of Shutterbug - I already use it regularly
applies fully does not apply
❏ ❏ ❏ ❏

- Is generally appealing to me
applies fully does not apply
❏ ❏ ❏ ❏

- I would buy it instead of the printed magazine
applies fully does not apply
❏ ❏ ❏ ❏

- I would additionally subscribe to it, with special features at an extra cost
applies fully does not apply
❏ ❏ ❏ ❏

18. In the next 24 months I intend to buy
❏ Digital SLR camera ❏ Photo/graphics software
❏ Digital Medium Format Camera ❏ Studio Lighting Scanner
❏ Digital Compact System Camera ❏ Photo Printer
❏ Digital Compact Camera ❏ Tripod
❏ Colour Management System ❏ Projector
❏ Interchangeable Lenses ❏ Accessories

19. I read the advertisements and supplements
in Shutterbug
❏ Always ❏ Often ❏ Rarely ❏ Never

20. Advertisements in Shutterbug
– Have informational value to me
applies fully does not apply
❏ ❏ ❏ ❏

– Have previously prompted me to gather further information
applies fully does not apply
❏ ❏ ❏ ❏

– Have previously prompted me to make a purchase
applies fully does not apply
❏ ❏ ❏ ❏

21. I visit the website
❏ Several times a week
❏ Several times a month
❏ Once a month
❏ Every 2-3 months
❏ Less often
❏ Never

22. In the next two to three years, I will spend time on photography:
❏ Rather more time
❏ Rather less time
❏ As much time as I do today

23. Personal details
❏ male ❏ female

I am ______ years old.

24. The net monthly income of all household members is:

❏ Less than $2,600
❏ $2,600 - $3,299
❏ $3,300 - $4,099
❏ $4,100 - $4,799
❏ $4,800 - $5,599
❏ $5,600 - $6,399
❏ $6,400 - $7,200
❏ more than $7,200