Nighttime Is the Right Time for the Beautiful Moody Street Photography of Justin Carey

London-based photographer Justin Carey says he is “fascinated by solitude, sentiment and the particular beauty found in unexpected places,” and his nighttime street photography captures moods and textures that are simply not possible during the day.


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Carey is currently working on an MA in photography at England’s Falmouth University, after which he intends to combine his interest in making images with a career as a physician.


A photo posted by Justin (@jcarephoto) on

A geriatrician by day, Carey explores the streets at night, noting, “The night for me is an incredibly evocative time when unremarkable places become interesting.”


A photo posted by Justin (@jcarephoto) on

Carey says he‘s attracted by the feeling of unease and things lurking in the shadows that accompany urban street photography at night, “The nighttime brings a closer proximity to danger, threat, and menace,” he notes, adding that it is those emotions he attempts to capture in his images.


A photo posted by Justin (@jcarephoto) on

In short, Carey sees himself as a visual storyteller, hunting for the beauty as well as the ominous while shooting after dark.


A photo posted by Justin (@jcarephoto) on

You can see more of Carey’s evocative imagery on his website and Instagram page, and don’t forget to follow us on Instagram at @ShutterbugPix where we’re sharing our favorite photos from our followers.

Via The Week

james.seeds's picture

Just for curiosity, what settings should I set my camera for night time street shots?