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A early morning hike up slacker hill in the Marin Headlands produced a image that was even more eye catching to watch in person. As the thick fog strolled through the Bay area, sweeping through the Bay Bridge and covering the San Francisco Piers. It slowly made its way over Alcatraz and made it hard for incoming or leaving freight to see, as their horns blew you can start to fill the wind pick up and a never-ending cloud started to approach. As I quickly stumbled down Slacker hill with 25 lbs of camera gear, watching out for loose gravel and holes. I found a spot that I could set up my tripod and wait for mother nature to do her thing. I set up my camera with a Lee Big Stopper and a Lee .6 ND Grad and shot a few snaps, then a few more snaps, After taking my eye away from the view finder I looked up and couldn't believe my eyes. I was floating, floating in a cloud, it was remarkable. Something I will never forget, the feeling of being in the clouds and no one can touch you, just in a euphoric state of mind. This picture always brings me back to that moment in time, the moment where I was free.
Rich Lonardo
Golden Gate, Floating away.