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The Forever Tree, located in the an ancient forest on the roof of California. Many of these trees live for 5000 years, and even after dying, can remain for 5000 more years, remaining. In other words, it's quite possible that some trees have been standing for as long as 10000 years, long long before Lucille Ball roamed the earth. :D I don't actually know if this tree has a name. I just like the name.
Title: The Forever Tree (3600)
Photo: Ken Lee Photography
Info: Nikon D610, AF-S Nikkor 14-24mm f/2.8G ED lens at 14mm, 128 seconds, f/7.12, ISO 640. 2014-07-15 00:54. I used an LED flashlight for light painting.
Location: Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest, CA, USA
(1 vote)

The Forever Tree
Photographer: Ken Lee
elevenshadows | Aug 12, 2015
Views: 198
Dimensions: 3000x2003
Size: 1942kb
Filed Under: Shutterbug’s Nature Photo Contest