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Gazing up at Delicate Arch feels like peering into the infinite beyond, the magnificent arch acting as a portal for the center of our galaxy and beyond. For this photo, I waited a bit for the Milky Way to drift farther south, then lined it up underneath the arch for this image. I light painted the arch with a small Streamlight LED flashlight to keep the arch from going to silhouette. The Milky Way is easy to see on a moonless night such as this one.
Title: Door to Infinity
Photo: Ken Lee Photography
Info: Nikon D610, AF-S Nikkor 14-24mm f/2.8G ED lens at 14mm, 20 seconds, f/2.8, ISO 4000, 2014-06-25 12:37 am. Light painted with Streamlight LED flashlight.
Location: Arches National Park, Utah, USA
(1 vote)

Door To Infinity
Photographer: Ken Lee
elevenshadows | Aug 12, 2015
Views: 36
Dimensions: 2500x1669
Size: 1703kb
Filed Under: Shutterbug’s Nature Photo Contest