5 Great Photo Gadgets & Gizmos: Clean & Protect Your Gear with these Cool Accessories
appleJuce: Sooner or later the LCD screen on your camera (tablet, laptop or smartphone) will lose its luster due to the dust, dirt and smudges accumulating on its surface. The dirt reduces the screen’s clarity, brightness and color accuracy but it can be restored with a good cleaning. Many household cleaners contain ingredients that can damage the screen’s sensitive surface. appleJuce is a complete solution for cleaning these devices. The two-ounce appleJuce pump is ideal for use at home, in the studio, or on location. Its TSA-approved size is small enough for travel and fits easily in an organization case so appleJuce is handy whenever you need it. appleJuce is alcohol and ammonia free and it removes stains/oils from all screens, it also polishes the surface of your electronics. Environmentally friendly, appleJuce has a green apple scent and the package includes appleJuce solution in a 2oz pump bottle and two reusable screen cleaning cloths for a suggested retail price of $12.95.
More info on appleJuce here.
Snack Cap Lens Caps: Lens caps are a great way to protect your lens but because of their dark color they can often get lost in the bottom of your gear bag or be left behind at a photo shoot. To avoid that problem why not try a more noticeable (and whimsical) cap that you simply can’t forget. Photojojo offers the Snack Cap lens cap featuring a colorful burger (or a pink donut) cap on your lens to protect it against those accidental scratches and bumps. The Snack Cap lens caps are made for use with 52, 58, and 72mm lenses and come with a handy lens leash. The suggested retail price is $10.
More info on the Snack Cap here.
The Gwee Leaf: The Gwee Leaf is a soft, washable microfiber screen cleaning cloth that magnetically attaches to nearly any tablet, laptop or desktop screen. Ultra-Fresh anti-microbial chemicals are embedded in the cleaning pads to remove harmful bacteria, mold and fungus. The Gwee Leaf is available in your choice of black, beige, hot pink, lime green, purple, red, blue, silver, navy, gold and white. The Gwee Leaf measures 8.89x5.08x0.1524 cm and has a retail value of $12.99.
More info on the Gwee Leaf here.
Camouflage Anti-Fog Lens Cleaning Kit: Crafted in the USA, this anti-fog lens cleaning kit was created with outdoor photographers in mind and includes a handy camouflaged zip case with a belt loop attachment for easy access. The lens cleaning kit includes: two half ounce spray bottles of LensBrite cleaner (an anti-fog lens cleaning solution that provides fogging protection for up to 7 days) and three camo matchbook-style, premium grade lens tissue books. The suggested retail price is $23.95
More info on the Camouflage Anti-Fog Cleaning Kit here.
The Messenger Wrap: Messenger lens wraps were created to provide users with a fast, portable way to add a layer of extra padding for delicate equipment. Measuring 10 inches, the pocket size Messenger Wrap doesn’t take up much room in your gear bag and is idea for protecting mobile hard drives and small lenses—such as short zooms and prime lenses. Tenba Messenger Wraps will help keep you delicate lenses, mobile hard drives (and other gear) safe from accidental damage.
The Messenger Wrap is available in black, olive, blue and platinum for a suggested retail price of $10.95.
More info on the Messenger Wrap here.
See more of our favorite Photo Gadgets & Gizmos here.
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