The First LightScribe DVD/CD Personal Publisher
The 1:1 DVD/CD Copy Cruiser Pro LS, the first LightScribe DVD/CD Personal Publisher, has anestimated street price of $399.
To print labels you simply place LightScribe certified media with the label side down in the recorder, attach the DVD/CD Copy Cruiser Pro LS to your PC and burn any label you have created. The LightScribe printing technology is very high resolution and offers superior quality and clarity that can be compared to silkscreen. The DVD/CD Copy Cruiser Pro LS incorporates 16x DVD recording technology and can function as a 1:1 DVD/CD Duplicator or an external USB 2.0 DVD/CD Recorder. The 1:1 DVD/CD Copy Cruiser Pro LS is a package that is truly desktop with only a 7 x 11 inch footprint and weighing less than 12 pounds.
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