Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Shutter Speed (with the Help of Star Wars Legos)

The title about says it all. If you’re still confused about shutter speed in photography or just want a refresher course, watch the comprehensive and fun video below from Phlearn.

In the video, Aaron Nace of Phlearn explains the rudiments of shutter speed while displaying some excellent image examples to help illustrate the various points. And yes, those cool Star Wars Legos also make an appearance as a sort of “peanut gallery” to comment on the action, ask questions, and serve in shutter speed demonstrations for things like motion blur and camera shake.

The second half of the video takes it one step further, with Nace using the Legos to create an elaborate Star Wars battle scene to further explain how shutter speed works. It’s a helpful, clearly explained tutorial that has some fun while explaining this basic but important photography topic.

Watch more of Phlearn’s excellent educational videos on their YouTube channel. And here are few more photography basics stories to brush up on over the weekend.

Photo Basics: What Are Aperture, Shutter Speed, and ISO (VIDEO)

Photo Basics: Watch This Crash Course on Using Your Camera’s Manual Mode for Better Photos (VIDEO)

Photography Basics: What Are F-Stops?