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A beautiful summer night in the Old city of St Augustine, FL. I made this image in the "blue light" hour after sunset. The image seems very peaceful to me, with the boat just floating there, basking in the blue light contrasted by the orange glow of the candlelit bridge. I have a black & white version that I like just as well but chose to go with this color version for this assignment. Hope you enjoy.
Neil Williams
Camera: Nikon D7000 on tripod
Lens: Nikon 24-120mm F4
Focal Length: 92mm
Shutter: 20 sec
Aperture: F18
ISO: 100
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On the Dock of the Bay (Color)
neilwill | May 12, 2015
Views: 54
Dimensions: 2000x1325
Size: 1269kb
Filed Under: Picture This: Great Lighting