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This granary is about halfway between Dexter and Chelsea, Michigan. Having driven pasted it quite a few times when the light wasn't quite right, I vowed to get up early and catch the morning light. I finally did. This is not actually a monochrome picture. I shot it with a Nikon D7500. In Lightroom, I desaturated almost all the color and used luminance sliders to adjust the tones.
Tech Stuff:
Camera: Nikon 7500
Lens:Nikkor 18-55mm (shot at 18mm)
Exposure:1/320 @ f/9.0
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Dexter Grainery
Photographer: Larry Hart
LarryHart | May 18, 2018
Views: 18
Dimensions: 3566x4274
Size: 2232kb
Filed Under: Picture This: Curves