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I live in the south OKanagan BC Canada in an area that has a few California Bighorn sheep groups. I came across these two Rams on a bright morning in a grassland area high in the mountains. It was fall rut season and the two were doing a little head banging when they spotted me and so took a break from the headbanging to see what I was up to. Camera was a Canon 5D Mk III with a Canon 500mm f4 lens on a tripod. Settings for this photo as follows. Aperture was 5.6, speed was at 1/1250 sec and ISO was at 400.
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Bighorn Curiosity
Photographer: Bruce C Turnbull
Bruce C Turnbull | Feb 22, 2023
Views: 27
Dimensions: 4560x3120
Size: 3999kb
Filed Under: Picture This: Amazing Animals