Are These the 5 Most Overused Techniques in Photography? (VIDEO)
Do you ever get the feeling that lots of landscape photos, even good ones, tend to look the same? Perhaps that's because everyone is using the same photography techniques to get the same looks in their images?
That's the argument photographer James Popsys makes in the below video titled "The 5 Most Overused Photography Techniques…in my opinion." Yes, as with some of Popsys' openly opinioned videos in the past, this one is bound to create some controversy.
"I love photography and looking at photos, but there are some things I see too much of to properly enjoy," Popsys says. "So here are 5 photography techniques that I think get used way too much, and I'd love to hear if you agree or have any others."
#1 Long Exposures with Water
#2 Panoramas
#3 Always Feeling Like You Need Foreground Interest
#4 Golden Hour
#5 Sky Replacements
Do you agree or disagree that these photo techniques are overused or do you thnk there are ways to breathe new life into them? Let us know in the comments, and then go visit Popsys' YouTube channel for more throught-provoking videos, such as this one where he calls out 9 Bad Photography Tips.
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