7 Ways to Get the Right Light (aka Proper Exposure) in Your Photos Every Time (VIDEO)

Photographer Pierre T. Lambert has been on a roll lately with sharing his photography “secrets.” First he shared his “7 secrets to get sharp photos for the rest of your life,” then he added “5 more secrets to get sharp photos.”

And today, Lambert just posted a brand new video titled “7 secrets to get the perfect light in your photos (my last).” We guess that means it’s the last of Lambert’s “secrets” videos but he’s definitely ending the series on a high note. Watch it below.

“Today I share my 7 secrets for taking better photos by exposing your images correctly in camera, whether in street photography, portrait photography or landscape photography those tips help,” he says. “I will dive into the different light metering modes on camera that I use and will give you some photography tips on how to find the right exposure and use light meter the best way.”

Here are the seven tips he explains in the video for getting proper exposure in your images.

#1 Light Metering Options

#2 Center Average Mode

#3 Spot Metering Mode

#4 Reading Light Meters

#5 Histogram Power

#6 Exposure Compensation

#7 Shooting Manual

Check out more of Lambert’s photography videos on his not-so-secret YouTube channel. And, of course, visit and subscribe to Shutterbug’s own YouTube channel where we are sharing photography tips and gear-related videos as well.