3 Tips on How to Make the Jump to Become a Pro Photographer (VIDEO)

One of the most common questions we get from Shutterbug readers is how do you take your photography skills to the next level to become a professional photographer? It’s not an easy question to answer because going pro doesn’t involve improving your photography skills alone.

Los Angeles-based pro portrait and event photographer Jessica Sterling has been there and done that and she has some great advice on this subject. In the short video below from Advancing Your Photography (AVP), Sterling offers three simple tips on how to go pro as a photographer.

“This video is a start to what you need to do to go pro,” she says. “There’s a ton to cover in this area, but for starters this video offers what you can do and be in control of, and the right way to approach things (kicking out any stupid thoughts about ‘selling out’ and stopping yourself by striving for an unknown perfection). Just get started and do it!”

Here’s a breakdown of Sterling’s three tips. Then watch the video below where she explains each one.

1. Get It Up

2. Help ‘Em Out

3. Why Should They?

You can see more great photography tutorials on AVP’s YouTube channel.  Here’s another helpful one we featured from Jessica Sterling where she gives you her seven flash tips for portrait photography.