Briefly comment on what papers you currently use for inkjet printing.

Briefly comment on what papers you currently use for inkjet printing.
Yes, I have done darkroom work in the past and can relate to what, for example, it means to have a "double weight glossy dried m
96% (551 votes)
No, I have not done darkroom work and use other criteria and references for paper selection.
2% (9 votes)
I am not sure how to judge the merits of a particular paper, and need to learn more about paper's various aspects.
3% (15 votes)
Total votes: 575

Irwin Brodsky's picture

At the moment I'm using Epson Premium Glossy and Epson Ultra Premium Luster.

Elmer Soberanis's picture

I think that is just a new way to atract consumers who feels that all past has been better.

Matt Snider's picture

The release of specialty fiber papers is only accelerating the digital conversion of all photographic things analog. There's a new generation of photo enthusiasts who will begin to learn how to reveal all the drama, subtlety and excitement in their photos through the application of computer-based digital effects, both in camera and post-capture. The selection of varied printing media and other techniques formally employed in the darkroom to the pungent aromas of developers, stop baths and fixers only serve to make exciting times for the world of photography.

James's picture

I don't print my own from my PC. I use Miller's. The printer papers today that emulate the old photo papers still have a long way to go in terms of availability and price.

Jim Cabezola's picture

I NEVER print photos on paper, to be perfectly honest. As a child of the computer revolution, I've felt that computers were supposed to eliminate paper. The digital photography revolution is one I look at in the same manner. Why would I waste time and trees with paper? I look forward to tose rumoured OLED roll-up screens as substitutes that may rid free me from paper altogether.

John's picture

I use a photo printer and own a Canon super shot A560 digital camera.

Chuck Rubin's picture

I use Epson Premium Glossy, 68 lb and Heavyweight 44ib Matte. Both are very fade resistant when printed on a Canon IP8500. BTW what ever happened to 8X10 paper?

Bill Schmidt's picture

When I was doing darkroom work RC papers were received with open arms - no more ferrotyping for glossies! But fiber-based paper still has its place - I'd like a choice but not at $2+ for one 13x19 sheet. That's nuts!

Lauren MacIntosh's picture

When It comes to printing VIA the dark room and the InkJet printer ,there may be some minor differences in the way things work! But using papers for darkroom ro Inkjet printer ,The choice of paper is a matter of choice to the photographer since they are the one's, who are trying to create a proper foto to tell the story of the fotograph, so weather you use R.C. or Matte or Glossy Paper for the darkroomand weather you usse Matte , Glossy or canvas paper in a ink jet printer or any other printer, Is a Matter of choice to the person doing the job and what the outcome is to be, Should it be for a cleint or themself's that the choice for Photographer and no body else!

Speedball's picture

Only use the best paper your printer company makes!! or at least supports with profiles. Third party paper corps need to provide free profiles if they expect to sell paper to more than a few hacker types. oh! and none of the above answers - you dont need to have done chemicals to understand paper.

Bill Mueler's picture

I use Canon Glossy Pro paper because it resembles the double white glossy paper in the darkroom.

Al Reiner's picture

Red river 60lb photo linen 46 lb ultra pro gloss lite 66 denali gloss 53 card premium gloss card stock.

Gerald Wallace's picture

I would not want to use resin coated paper, fiber sounds better if the whitening is pollution/toxic free.

Russell Edwards's picture

Still like to "match" the paper to the image as I did in the darkroom.

Charlie C.'s picture

I have done darkroom work in the past but am only interested now in obtaining the best quality appearance of my photographs. Using different programs to emulate past types of photographs is sufficient (B&W, Sepia, and other tints etc.).

Henry Rosati's picture

I haven't done darkroom work in the past, but have been following photography for 30 years, so I have seen enough to compare. I use Illford Galerie Smooth Pearl for most prints. Than others for certain looks.

Tom Lucas's picture

A wide variety of Epson papers.

Enrique's picture

I don't think its just the paper. I think its also the inkjet printers. Inkjets are great because they have made it possible to print on all kinds of surfaces, but ink on ANY paper still does not look like silver crystals in paper which reacts to light/chemicals. Every new generation of inkjet printer has claimed it rivals "Black and White Fine Art Gallery Fibre quality prints." Not yet. It does seem like its getting closer each year, but its not there yet, maybe never - maybe.

John Warner's picture

Everything that I hope to sell gets printed on one or another of the "fine art" papers.