Please briefly describe your black and white digital workflow.

Please briefly describe your black and white digital workflow.
I use the Monochrome mode so I can see the results in black and white in the field.
64% (191 votes)
I shoot in Raw and make the conversion later using my Raw converter.
10% (31 votes)
I shoot in either Raw or JPEG and convert to black and white in my main image editing software.
26% (77 votes)
Total votes: 299

Joe Eder's picture

I shoot Raw and use raw editing tools as much as possible. Then use image editor to further finish (crop, etc.), leaving the conversion to B&W to a late step. After conversion, some B&W looks better with extra contrast and slight levels adustment. Summary -- get the best color image I can, then convert to B&W as last part of process.

Paul Gooder's picture

I shoot in Raw but select B&W in my camera menu so that I see the shot in B&W on the view finder (I use a Konica Minolta 5D) and then still have the unprocessed filed (RAW) that I can maniuplate in CS3.

Larry Smith's picture

I love the results I get from Adobe Photoshop Lightroom. I also use the Greg Gorman/Mac Holbert conversion method, especially for portraits.

Ed Truitt's picture

My camera retains color information if I shoot Monochrome mode using RAW, so that is how I prefer to do it.

Jan A.  Pollitt's picture

I convert in photoshop. I have found for true B&W images 1st adjust in levels so image tonal range is crisp, good contrast. Next hue/saturation. I move bar for both to the left completely. You can do it the other way also but the point is you must slide both the same way. Do not change the 3rd slider called lightness. When you move the hue and saturate, your image is now B&W but I have found they are better if you go to levels again and pull the slider a little bit on the white and black. Now your image is crisp with real blacks, whites and gray. Just don't over do the 2nd levels too much but a little really seems to please the eyes. I never use grayscale unless you need a duotone but that is another thing all together.

Bev Pettit's picture

I have shot both ways and feel that the image that comes out of the camera in monochrome has nicer tones. Of course, you can't get the color "back" when you shoot this way. So that is a disadvantage if you think that you may want a color version of a certain image. In this case, it would be better to shoot in either Raw or Jpeg and convert.

David Stevenson's picture

The B&W conversion in Photoshop CS3 is so good, why would you use anything else?

Ralph Neblett's picture

I have always tried to obtain the B&W image I invision from the available color of scene or subject. Capture the subject with saturation and color that will best define the contrast of the monochrome image you see.

Boyd J.'s picture

I like to have the option of having a color photo even if I'm going for a B/W shot.

Kevin Paulson's picture

You can always convert a color photo to B&W, but you can't truely convert a black & white to color!
