Please supply a brief comment on your experiences, if any, with online digital printing services, and how you use it in your work.

Please supply a brief comment on your experiences, if any, with online digital printing services, and how you use it in your work.
Yes, I regularly use online printing services and find they fit my needs.
57% (76 votes)
No, but the new services are intriguing and I will try them out soon.
15% (20 votes)
I print all my images at home or in my studio.
28% (38 votes)
Total votes: 134

Tammie Gadbois's picture

A wonderful company does my printing, quality impeccable, shipping is stead fast! I have a website, store and printing at my finger tips...

George Ghiz's picture

I find the cost is cheaper for printing 4 x 6, 8 x 10 through online printing services, as Epson ink cartridges are rahter expenxive, My results have been excellent both in service & print enlargements. 11 x 14 prints are done at home on the Epson 1200 printer.

Kate Katzban-Beren's picture

I have used online printing services for a number of years. I find that most services fit my needs for personal snapshots, however for professional prints I prefer to work with a local lab.

Brian Sprecher's picture

I use Mpix found in your magazine. Great company for my needs.

Kris Lingle's picture

I use MPIX for portraits and weddings and Adorama for jsut for fun stuff. The turn around and quality are awesome.

Randy's picture

I use Smugmug. The quality of prints are consistantly excellent. Easy to upload, order, and get the size prints I want.

Brad's picture

Costco does an OK job using their auto ballance. You do need to add a border if you want the complete frame printed.

Tim S.'s picture

I use Printroom for my customers to order from and I used them for personal stuff too - until I discovered Costco! For personal stuff they're great, but for big - and I mean big - jobs, they have been awesome. I can upload over 100 seperate orders and they can have them printed within 24 hrs....I'm finding it difficult to find anyone who can match them on price or quality.

Ed's picture

I print some images at home however I find online services to be more cost effective.

Richard P.  Penndorf's picture

I used an online printing service to print a 20"x30" picture. I was very happy with the results.

Terry's picture

I use the free version of Rawshooter which is spectacularly fast in quickly organizing and adjusting my shots. I like adobe but loading it is really bloated for quick work.

Tom Eavenson's picture

I use CostCo because of thier pricing and picture quality. If it is not up to expectations they will reprint.

M.  Roma's picture

The image quality and cost per print can not be beat. There is no comparing a photographic print to a home print.

Neil C.'s picture

I might try them for 4X6 snapshots as I heard quality is good, but I need (want) to control my own cropping and color management for most of my work.

Ed's picture

Use online for snapshots, vacation, family event prints. Any Portrait, landscapes, OR any print worth enlarging, I do at home.

Joel Melgar's picture offers great picture quality. The shipping is expensive so I wait for special promotions.

Bernard's picture

I've tried them all, some are good and some are not so good.

J.  Gironda's picture

Shutterfly is great!

Nancy Lay-McCormick's picture AWESOME!! Great prints, great service, extremely efficient...
