I'm going to say that it's you directly behind the tree! If by chance not, then far right. One of those good looking sisters famlily, right?
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I'm not a big fan of family pics. or pics. of myself but this is cool I think and nobody knows which one is me anyway!!!
Actually,all my sisters are beautiful!!Guess there are good "beauty genes"
in my family.As I said,I'm not a fan of putting my face out
there for the world to see...on that note, you picked the oldest and the youngest! Thank you for your kind comment...anything on the pic.itself?.
The effect is the same process that vinyl sign companies use for separating the whole image into a few vectors making the overlay easy. Fun effect and it allows the image to be seen for what it is while distorting enough to have it as an anonymous people shot.
I like it and any shot of happy people always brings a positive mood to the viewer.