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Ron Leach  |  Aug 07, 2024  | 

Is Lightroom's Tone Curve panel part of your everyday workflow? If not, you're missing out on a very versatile tool that's useful for enhancing just about any photo you capture. The video below will get you up to speed with a quick primer from "digital-imaging evangelist" Julienne Kost.

Ron Leach  |  Aug 06, 2024  | 

Photos with a captivating sense of motion blur can be created in two ways: in the camera or during the image-editing process. This tutorial from instructor Pablo Garcia demonstrates how to combine both techniques to achieve the best possible results.

Ron Leach  |  Aug 06, 2024  | 

This eye-opening tutorial explains why you should ignore the conventional wisdom regarding so-called drawbacks to using UV filters on your lenses. Instructor Mark Wiemels backs up his advice with tragic mishap that cost him thousands to replace a damaged lens.

Ron Leach  |  Aug 05, 2024  | 

Early last month we featured a Lightroom tutorial explaining eight methods for adjusting image contrast and why some photographers may be taking the wrong approach for the specific task at hand. We're following that up today by explaining three types of contrast to look for when shooting in field,

Ron Leach  |  Aug 05, 2024  | 

Infrared photography is a popular method of transforming ordinary scenes into images with a unique, otherworldly look. Some photographers pursue this technique by paying to have one of their camera converted to infrared, while others purchase an IR lens filter to mimic the effect.

Ron Leach  |  Aug 05, 2024  | 

This is an ideal time of year for capturing macro photos because insects, small reptiles, flowers, and other small subjects are just about everywhere you look. But what happens when you're strolling through a park or walking in the neighborhood and the only camera you have is the iPhone in your pocket?

Ron Leach  |  Aug 02, 2024  | 

If you're looking for a way to transform flat landscape photos into spectacular images that almost appear three-dimensional, today's Lightroom tutorial from the PHLOG Photography YouTube channel will quickly get you where you want to be. In barely 15 minutes you'll learn how to apply simple masks to add depth and dimension to all your outdoor photos, while retaining a realistic Look.

Ron Leach  |  Aug 02, 2024  | 

Matrix Metering? Evaluative metering? Center-Weighted metering? Spot Metering? All these options are enough to make one's head spin, especially if you're an inexperienced photographer. This tutorial from the Photography Explained YouTube channel clears up all the confusion so you'll understand which metering mode to use when.

Ron Leach  |  Aug 02, 2024  | 

Have you ever been out in the field on a nice day, found a great subject, and framed up the shot perfectly—only to discover that the images you captured are far less impactful that you expected? If your answer is "no," then you're better or luckier that the rest of us.

Ron Leach  |  Aug 01, 2024  | 

Over the past couple months we've been featuring a series of tutorials from Patrick's Boudoir Photography Secrets designed for those of you who are new to this popular genre. If you've watched earlier episodes you know that they all have this common theme; how to capture sensuous images of inexperienced models while using simple gear and available light.

Ron Leach  |  Aug 01, 2024  | 

Are you struggling to overcome the frustrating limitations of Lightroom's Cone Tool? If so, the simple hacks in this tutorial from the Digital Photo Mentor YouTube channel is just what you need to get back on track.

Ron Leach  |  Jul 31, 2024  | 

Converging verticals, skewed horizontal lines, distorted buildings, tilted horizons, and other such "wonky angles" will quickly spoil an otherwise nice shot. This basic Lightroom tutorial explains why these distractions occur and demonstrates a simple Lightroom technique for straightening everything out.

Ron Leach  |  Jul 31, 2024  | 

Let's face it: Some scenes are far more compelling when captured in b&w, or when you convert a color image to monochrome during post processing. Today we're going to welcome beginners to the elegant world of b&w photography with some great advice from instructor Mike Rogala.

Ron Leach  |  Jul 31, 2024  | 

All Photoshop users want to edit their images for the best results possible, and most of us have a secondary goal; namely, getting the job done as quickly as possible so we can get back out in the field with a camera doing what we love most.

Ron Leach  |  Jul 30, 2024  | 

We can't always pick the time of day when we're shooting in the field, and that sometimes means making the most of harsh midday light. This can be a serious problem for all sorts of photography, and it's particularly challenging when making environmental portraits. Distracting shadows, squinting models, and abundant contrast all contribute to this challenging task.
