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Ron Leach  |  Mar 31, 2022  | 

Everyone has their own approach to using Lightroom, and occasionally we all make mistakes—some worse than others. In today’s important tutorial, one of our favorite image-editing experts reveals what he says is the “biggest Lightroom mistake you can make.”

Henry Anderson  |  Mar 31, 2022  | 

Cropping is a controversial topic when it comes to landscape photography but it's also a misunderstood one. Whether to crop or not to crop during post-shoot editing for landscape photos is really a matter of preference but there are a few mistakes you want to avoid.

Ron Leach  |  Mar 30, 2022  | 

We regularly bring you tutorials from top photographers with different specialties, because there’s no better way to improve one’s skills than learning from an accomplished pro. The video below takes things even further, with great shooting advice from three experts in landscape photography.

Ron Leach  |  Mar 30, 2022  | 

One of the challenges with all forms of outdoor photography is that scenes often have a wide-range of tones—often beyond the density range of your camera. The best way to deal with situations like these is editing selective portions of the image.

Henry Anderson  |  Mar 30, 2022  | 

Many up-and-coming photographers might not have a budget to afford to hire a professional model for a portrait shoot. But have no fear: you can shoot great photos of a non-professional model if you just follow some basic advice.

Henry Anderson  |  Mar 29, 2022  | 

Here's a fun camera hack for Sony users that will cost you nothing. In the below tutorial, portrait photographer Manny Ortiz shows you how to record footage from the rear display or EVF on a Sony camera without needing an external monitor.

Ron Leach  |  Mar 29, 2022  | 

We all strive to make photographs that stand out from the crowd, and sometimes that means camera settings and shooting techniques that stray from conventional wisdom. Another way to give images a unique look is to employ unconventional editing techniques to create an eye-catching effect.

Ron Leach  |  Mar 29, 2022  | 

How many times have you reviewed images on the computer and wished you had shot the scene with a different point of focus and depth of field? If your answer to this question is “too many to count,” the eye-opening tutorial below is just what you need.

Ron Leach  |  Mar 28, 2022  | 

If you’re ever tried to manually mask out a sky in Photoshop, you know that achieving a precise selection can be difficult—especially when your shot includes complex objects in the foreground. There are many methods for tackling this challenge, and today you’ll learn one of the easiest and most effective.

Henry Anderson  |  Mar 24, 2022  | 

Brett Seeley is an experienced fitness photographer who has worked with many experienced and some not-so-experienced fitness models. Not surprisingly, he's seen the good and the bad of posing for fitness model portraits.

Ron Leach  |  Mar 24, 2022  | 

Every so often we photograph a beautiful outdoor scene even though the light isn’t quite right. That’s because it’s not particularly difficult to add depth and drama to an otherwise great shot with a bit of help from Lightroom.

Ron Leach  |  Mar 24, 2022  | 

We always turn to photographer Jordi Koalitic when we need a fresh jolt of creativity, because he never seems to run out of ideas for capturing unique images close to home. In today’s quick episode he demonstrate five fresh hacks that you’ll definitely want to try.

Henry Anderson  |  Mar 23, 2022  | 

What's the difference between the 102MP Fujifilm GFX 100S and the 12MP iPhone 13 Pro Max? A lot more than just megapixels.

Ron Leach  |  Mar 23, 2022  | 

Long exposure motion-blur effects can really enhance landscape images, creating soft, flowing water and fluffy cotton-like clouds. Some photographers use expensive neutral density filter to achieve the necessary slow shutter speeds, but there’s a simple way to mimic this effect during the editing process.

Ron Leach  |  Mar 23, 2022  | 

One of the common pitfalls with travel photography is returning home, reviewing images on the computer, and discovering they don’t look as great as they did through the viewfinder. The same thing is true when shooting landscapes, even close to home, because it’s impossible to return and find exactly the same light.
