Ron Leach

Ron Leach  |  May 25, 2017

DIY photography projects are not only a lot of fun, they can also save you some serious cash that's better spent on stuff you can’t make yourself. In the video below you’ll learn five quick camera hacks that are very easy to accomplish.

Ron Leach  |  May 25, 2017

Ruggedized, submergible digicams are popular among travel and adventure photographers that want a compact camera they can use underwater or in wet, dusty conditions. The Ricoh WG-50 is a versatile new model that’s great for all your summer adventures from the mountains and desert to the sea.

Ron Leach  |  May 24, 2017

Have you ever wondered what gear and techniques fashion photographers use to capture their compelling images? Well read on, because in the video below top pro Clinton Lubbe covers all the basics to get you started shooting fashion yourself.

Ron Leach  |  May 24, 2017

Jennifer Borget is a photographer and journalist who offers great advice on simple ways to take dynamic photos. She’s also an energetic mother of two young children, and in the quick tutorial below she demonstrates how you can shoot self-portraits with your kids that you’ll cherish forever.

Ron Leach  |  May 24, 2017

Europeana Collections is a vast repository of art, photography, fashion, music and other objects from galleries and museums across Europe who want a wider audience for their treasures. Their new “Europeana Photography” collection is an amazing digital library of images from over 50 European institutions in 34 different countries.

Ron Leach  |  May 23, 2017

Ask 100 portrait photographers to name the most important facial feature of their subjects, and 95 will likely say the eyes. But according to New York portrait pro Peter Hurley, if you want to make your subjects look their best, “It’s all about the jaw.”

Ron Leach  |  May 23, 2017

Despite the rapid advancements in digital imaging technology there’s been a growing resurgence in the use of 35mm cameras for shooting everything from portraits and street scenes to landscape photography. To address this renewed interest in film, Ilford Photo has created an “Introduction to Film Photography” video series designed to get budding film users up to speed.

Ron Leach  |  May 23, 2017

One of the benefits of today’s advanced digital cameras is that they offer extremely high ISO settings that deliver remarkable results under low-light conditions. When shooting with good light, however, most photographers simply set their camera to its base sensitivity of ISO 100 or 200.

Ron Leach  |  May 22, 2017

Most great photographers are also accomplished visual storytellers who understand how to draw viewers into their scene and direct their eyes to the key element in the image. In the video below you’ll learn 10 quick tips for doing exactly that, while making your photographs more impactful.

Ron Leach  |  May 22, 2017

Serge Ramelli is a French landscape photographer who occasionally experiments with portrait composites. In the Photoshop tutorial below he shows you how to shoot and combine two shots to make one epic “Landscape portrait.”
