Jon Sienkiewicz

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Nov 01, 2008

The man at the discount store carefully examined every item on the rack, pulling each forward while scrutinizing it with squinted eyes. “It’s harder than finding the right watch battery,” he said under his breath. “There are plenty to choose between, but which is the right one?”

I found out later he was looking for a high-capacity SDHC card for his...

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Nov 01, 2008

Someday an innovative manufacturer will market a memory card that changes color as it fills with images, then changes back again when it’s downloaded. Such a feature would make it easier to determine which cards are ready for formatting. That wouldn’t stop us from accidentally deleting a keeper now and again, but it might help us steer clear of total calamity. However, until...

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Apr 01, 2008

Now that you've mastered the standard zoom lens that came with your D-SLR, you have to be asking yourself "what's next?" You bought a D-SLR instead of a compact camera so that you could change lenses. The question is: which lens to buy first? The answer is easy, but it all depends on what kind of pictures you like to take.



Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Mar 01, 2008

Shooting JPEG images is similar to shooting color negative film and handing the roll to a photo lab for processing and printing. The results--overall--are generally good. But someone else is making decisions about sharpness, white balance, saturation, and other vital parameters that determine how the final image looks. In the case of digital cameras, a group of engineers...

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  May 01, 2007

Stop shooting! That’s the first thing to do when you accidentally delete an image file or inadvertently format a memory card full of images.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  May 01, 2007

S. Bower, Inc.
(800) 446-7244

Bushnell Corporation
(800) 423-3537

Canon U.S.A., Inc.
(800) 652-2666"...

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  May 01, 2007

You have a bag full of lenses, but you need a pair of binoculars, too. Binoculars are a true "crossover" accessory that are useful when you're out taking pictures--but are equally useful when pursuing other pastimes, like watching your kids play soccer, or checking out the birds that frequent your back yard feeder.

Externally, binoculars look...

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  May 01, 2007

It's been said that every gadget bag is a compromise between how well it protects your gear and how easily your equipment can be accessed. This is especially true with photo backpacks. But if you need to carry a heavy load of gear into the field, a properly fitted backpack is hard to beat. Besides cost, there are five points to consider when selecting a backpack. How you...

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  May 01, 2007

Water. Even a small amount can turn your favorite camera into a worthless, grisly paperweight.

If your camera gear gets in the drink, there's only a slim chance you can save it. But you can improve your odds if you follow these tips.

Act Fast
If your camera gets wet, it's important to act quickly. If you're outdoors...

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Mar 01, 2007

Sooner or later, you're going to be tempted to buy a product that's labeled "refurbished." It will probably be the lower price that attracts you--after all, there is one and only one reason to even consider "refurb" and that is to save money. Depending on where you shop, you may be led to believe that the refurbished item is as good as...
