Jon Sienkiewicz

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Jul 26, 2018

Here’s nearly everything that’s important to know about photo filters (the tangible kind) told in easy to understand language. Plus, at the end, a bonus tip tells you how to remove a screw-in filter that’s stuck to a lens.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Jul 19, 2018

We were invited to an exclusive one-on-one unboxing of Leica’s latest collectors’ piece, the Leica M10 Edition Zagato, at Leica’s USA headquarters. Here is what we saw.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Jul 12, 2018

Two giants of the camera case industry, Think Tank Photo and SKB Cases, have collaborated to create the SKB Flyer Series, a lineup of hybrid camera transport solutions that have broad appeal and manifold applications for every ardent photographer.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Jul 05, 2018

Okay, so you aced the first quiz. Some of you even said it was easy. Cool! Let’s see how well you can do on the Darkroom Edition. Just like last week’s quiz, this is not a multiple guess test, so you gotta really know your stuff to get all of them right.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Jun 28, 2018

Here are a dozen words or phrases that relate to photography. How many of them can you define or explain? Warning: this is not a multiple guess test, so you gotta really know your stuff to get all of them right.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Jun 27, 2018

Photographers young and old love photo backpacks. Small wonder: they’re easy to carry, as durable as a mountain goat, and they hold a ton of gear. Photo backpacks are available in hundreds of styles and colors, and at every price point. Which to choose? Here are our picks of seven new camera packs that run the gamut from economical to luxurious.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Jun 21, 2018

Summer is the best time to think of winter things. If you’re a skier, snowboarder or an ice adventurer of any kind, you’ll love this photo backpack from newcomer NYA-EVO.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Jun 14, 2018

The specifications are impressive, but can a super-wideangle zoom with a super-fast f/2.8 aperture deliver the results pros and ardent amateurs demand?

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Jun 07, 2018

Are all of your digital images safe? If your computer fried today and your cloud service vaporized, would you still have immediate access to all of your photo and video files? If you quickly answered “yes,” you may be kidding yourself—and false confidence could lead to disaster.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  May 31, 2018

A friend showed me a Father’s Day gift list published by venerable Vogue and on it was a pair of socks from Thom Browne for $150. Not to be a lowbrow, but I would think that for $75 a foot they could at least learn how to spell colors. If I put $150 socks on my feet I’m afraid that my other extremities would be jealous. Imagine what I’d have to pay for a hat, gloves and a jockstrap.
