Joe Farace

Joe Farace  |  Feb 01, 2002


"What one has experienced one will never understand in print." --Isadora Duncan

The headline for this month's column is a question I received in a letter from a reader...

Joe Farace  |  Dec 01, 2001

According to IDC Inc., the number of digital images captured is expected to grow from 3.5 billion in 1999 to 34 billion in 2004. So it's no wonder that the computer world's mantra of "bigger, faster, cheaper" was never more obvious than in this year's crop of digital imaging...

Joe Farace  |  Nov 01, 2001

"If we don't change
direction soon, we'll end up where we are going."
Irwin Corey

If there is one constant
theme running...

Joe Farace  |  Oct 01, 2001

Affordable photo-realistic output was the holy grail of color printers, and Epson's 1994 introduction of the Stylus Color ink jet printer changed the ball game forever. The original Stylus Color was a 720 dots per inch (more on...

Joe Farace  |  Sep 01, 2001

"The major difference
between a thing that might go wrong and a thing that cannot possibly go
wrong is that when a thing that cannot possibly go wrong goes wrong it
usually turns out to be impossible to get at or repair."--Doug...

Joe Farace  |  Aug 01, 2001

One of the biggest challenges facing many digital imagers is the constant introduction of new hardware and software products. Decisions about upgrading software is not much different than when your favorite camera manufacturer introduces a new...

Joe Farace  |  Jul 01, 2001

Ever since the Pictorialist movement at the turn of the 20th century, photographers have always enjoyed applying what many have dubbed "painterly" effects to their images. Pixographers are no strangers to this desire to create artistic...

Joe Farace  |  Jul 01, 2001

One of the first things digital imagers are in a hurry to do after capturing an image is to print it. It is here in the real "digital darkroom" where pixographers have made technical advances that have freed them from some of the restrictions...

Joe Farace  |  Jun 01, 2001

FlashPix Farewell
Back in the last millennium--1996 to be exact--the FlashPix file format was hailed as the next great graphics file breakthrough. Back in these olden days FlashPix was touted as the new, open standard for digital...
