After having attended the PMA trade show for 38 years I'm still surprised with the number of new, useful, and interesting photographic gadgets that keep showing up in various booths everywhere on the show floor. Somebody always thinks of a new gizmo or gadget that will assist in making some facet...
Obtaining deep depth of field on a scenic subject is increasingly difficult. Most of the current SLR cameras that offer a zoom lens do not have a traditional depth of field scale, which could assist you in using the hyperfocal length of the lens...
Those of us who use a variety of formats of cameras typically have an extensive array of different brands or makes of lenses in our collection. Often, we might want to use one brand or format lens on another brand or size of camera body, but for...
Compact 35mm cameras have continued to monopolize the marketplace this past year with new product introductions exceeding new APS compacts by more than 2 to 1. The new models of 35mm products have ever-longer zoom ranges out to a whopping 170mm telephoto on several models with a broad 4.5x zoom...
The recently introduced Photographer's Warehouse PerforMax AK4001 MLC AC/DC electronic flash is similar in appearance to this firm's previous monolight models, but includes one major difference. This new model can operate on...
Gifts Under $100 One of the most useful and helpful gifts for any photographer--with any type of camera--who wants better flash pictures is a small slave flash that "reads" a camera's built-in flash and automatically synchronizes and fires to provide additional lighting. These...
Correct lighting is the key ingredient to producing any photographic image worth a second glance. Outdoors you don't have much control over the light other than to possibly use some type of reflector, diffuser, or flash fill. But...
Nikon recently introduced another new autofocusing 35mm SLR that's loaded with features and override capabilities which make it suitable for any type of 35mm photography. This easy to use, compact-sized, camera should appeal to...
After having attended nearly all of the PMA trade shows in the past 38 years I have seen thousands of interesting new products introduced for the photographic public. I wandered the five miles of aisles in this year's big show stopping by nearly all of the thousands of booths, large and...
The incandescent JTL Superlight is a hotlight fixture intended primarily for working with tungsten-balanced color films or any black and white film. Although motion picture and videographers would probably use this type of light most, still photographers...