George Schaub

George Schaub  |  Aug 01, 2010

The best photo and imaging products of 2010 were voted on at the Technical Image Press Association (TIPA) General Assembly held from April 8-10, 2010 in New York. The editors of the 28 member photo and imaging magazines from nine European countries plus Canada, South Africa, and the United States met to vote on the TIPA Awards 2010 and discuss the association’s activities and projects.

George Schaub  |  Aug 01, 2010

When you talk about lenses these days you always have to bring in the multiplication factor, especially when you have a lens that fits comfortably on both so-called full-frame and APS-C sensor cameras. To know what angles of view you will have available you have to know: (a) that the lens is made for full-sized sensors (or not) so will work with the multiplication factor on smaller sized sensors...

George Schaub  |  Aug 01, 2010

Point of view is determined by many factors, and is one of the most important aspects of making photos that define who you are and how you see. It can be where you stand, whether you are photographing from your normal height or elevating above the subject or shooting from kneeling position, the direction of light from your shooting position, and, perhaps most important, how much of the scene...

George Schaub  |  Jul 01, 2010

It’s pretty easy these days to do what seemed a monumental task in the past—create a website that makes navigation easy, displaying and selling images simple, and that does not require eight-weeks attendance in an HTML class in some bleak basement classroom of an adult ed evening program to get to stage one. True, there are plenty of browser and editing programs that can create a web...

George Schaub  |  Jul 01, 2010

While we don’t normally review camera phones and similar devices, when offered a test period with the Nokia N86 and its 8-megapixel capture we wanted to see just how far one could take the image. Because the device captures in JPEG only there is of course a good deal of compression on every file, but still, 8 megapixels in this device reaches into the realm of point-and-shoot digicams from...

George Schaub  |  Jul 01, 2010

The question always becomes: how much gear can I get away with when I carry my camera and laptop on-board an aircraft? The answer depends upon the carryon rules, the size of the overhead compartment or under-seat space, and, I’m afraid, sometimes on the whims of the gate agent. The best way to make sure there are no hassles and no suspense on your part—flying is stressful...

George Schaub  |  Jul 01, 2010

Photography and travel have always been inextricably linked. As soon as a camera could be hauled about, by mule, porter, or on the back of the photographer, pictures from every locale were made. They might be exotic images from far-off lands, bucolic scenes away from the city’s strife, or just postcards that adorned a cathedral’s gift shop, but if it had trees, pyramids, or boats...

George Schaub  |  Jun 16, 2010

Modotti, a new play by Wendy Beckett, traces the life and spirit of the times of Tina Modotti, photographer and political operative, during the first half of the twentieth century. The play explores the tension between a life in art and commitment to political change, and uses the relationship between Modotti and Edward Weston, her lover and photographic "mentor", as the device. Edward Weston (Jack Gwaltney) is portrayed as seeking abstraction and the idealization of form and light in his images, while Modotti (Alysia Reiner) speaks as the representative of using art as a political weapon to enhance and encourage social change, thus creating the "art/reality" conundrum that, among other matters physical and intellectual, drive the couple apart.


George Schaub  |  Jun 01, 2010

Every year about this time we present a report on the new products that appeal to photographers in a number of categories, all gleaned from our visit to the annual Photo Marketing Association (PMA) Show. As we have for the past few such reports, we concentrate on many of the product categories that do not often get the spotlight grabbed by new cameras, many of which are announced throughout the...

George Schaub  |  Jun 01, 2010

One question I have heard posed recently is whether, in the Internet age, socialization and learning among like-minded individuals can’t be better accomplished via the web. Sounds stupid, right? Yet many folks would have you believe that you can learn everything you need to know in whatever the realm of discussion or experience from the net. Thus, the rise of “webinars” and...
