Henry Anderson

Henry Anderson  |  Jan 12, 2021

Two models are always better than one, right? Maybe if your shoot calls for it but that doesn't mean photographing two models is easier than capturing one. In fact, it can be quite a bit more challenging.

Henry Anderson  |  Jan 07, 2021

Winter, in many ways, is one of the hardest seasons to capture as a landscape photographer. The reason, however, doesn't always have to do with the wintery landscape itself, which can look radiantly white when it's full of ice and snow.

Henry Anderson  |  Dec 21, 2020

Have your model strike the right pose, and your photo shoot could be a success. Have them strike the wrong one and it could end up a disaster. Nowhere is this more important thaen in boudoir and swimwear photography where appealing posing is critical.

Henry Anderson  |  Nov 27, 2020

Boudoir is one of the most intimate types of photography you can find. However, it enters an even more sensitive area when it focuses on photographing nude or semi-nude subjects.

Henry Anderson  |  Nov 16, 2020

Hawaii-based pro fitness photographer Brett Seeley knows a thing or two about getting the right poses from his models for his images. We recently featured five of his favorite posing tips and now he's back with more advice on how to pose fitness models.

Henry Anderson  |  Nov 13, 2020

If you always wanted to shoot boudoir photos but don't know where to begin, the below video from professional boudoir photographer Critsey Rowe is a great place to start. In the free and easy tutorial, Rowe shares seven great beginner boudoir photography tips.

Henry Anderson  |  Nov 09, 2020

We've written about Luminar software many times before. This Photoshop/Lightroom competitor has some pretty neat tricks up its sleeve for enhancing your photos but wait until you see what's coming next.

Henry Anderson  |  Nov 05, 2020

Even seasoned pros use Photoshop to add some pizazz to their portraits so why shouldn't you? That's the gist of the below Photoshop tutorial from Pixielx titled "How to Make Professional Portraits."

Henry Anderson  |  Nov 02, 2020

Yes, summer is over, fall has arrived, and winter is coming but that doesn't mean we can't dream about going to the beach! In the below video, Bach Photography actually does that to share his tips on how to shoot gorgeous portraits at the beach.

Henry Anderson  |  Oct 30, 2020

Posing models for portrait or boudoir photography is a lot harder than it looks. If you're a new photographer who hasn't worked with models before it can actually be pretty intimidating.
