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Ron Leach  |  Nov 22, 2017  | 

If you’ve ever tried photographing birds in flight, you know this is one of the most difficult challenges in nature photography. But in the quick video below, you’ll learn everything you need to know for capturing fantastic photos of our flying featured friends.

Ron Leach  |  Nov 22, 2017  | 

It’s amazing how a small shift in vantage point can add a big boost in creativity to portrait photos, as you’ll see in the tutorial below. These tips are especially helpful for photographers who lack a big budget for building sets and purchasing expensive backgrounds to spice up their images.

Ron Leach  |  Nov 21, 2017  | 

It’s amazing how an urban landscape that appears uninspiring during the day can transform into a magical scene when photographed at night. In the tutorial below, you learn how to give nighttime cityscape images even greater impact by adding a simple and interesting effect in Lightroom.

Ron Leach  |  Nov 21, 2017  | 

Nick Page is an acclaimed nature photographer and in the video below he provides a behind-the-scenes look at his 2017 Oregon Coast Workshop and offers some great advice for seascape photography.

Ron Leach  |  Nov 21, 2017  | 

Editing portrait photos can be a demanding task, especially if you're a working photographer. In the three-minute video below, you’ll learn an alternative method for dodging and burning skin in Photoshop that’s really easy to accomplish.

Ron Leach  |  Nov 20, 2017  | 

Image-editing expert Nathaniel Dodson periodically releases a tutorial revealing his favorite Photoshop and Lightroom tips, tricks, and hacks, and those you see below are designed to clean up your workflow, streamline your editing, and help you create better images than ever before.

Ron Leach  |  Nov 20, 2017  | 

One of the best ways to become a better photographer is by listening to a top pro explaining the secrets to his success. In the video below, German adventurer and landscape photographer Benjamin Jaworskyj reveals what he says are three key aspects to improving your skills and gaining recognition for your work. 

Ron Leach  |  Nov 20, 2017  | 

Those of you who are regulars to this page know we frequently post tutorials and other content from our favorite photo-related YouTube channels, one of which features shooting tips from acclaimed landscape photographer Thomas Heaton. In the video below, Heaton switches things up, and reveals the YouTube channels he watches regularly. And coming from him, that’s a pretty good recommendation.

Ron Leach  |  Nov 17, 2017  | 

Shooting evocative portraits in the field requires special skills, especially when photographing indigenous peoples in faraway locations. In this interesting tutorial, you’ll learn why one pro says the key to travel portraiture is “knowing where your subject’s eyes should be looking.”

Ron Leach  |  Nov 17, 2017  | 

If you’re like most Shutterbug readers, with a full arsenal of lenses, you know that every lens performs differently in terms of color rendition, sharpness, depth-of-field, bokeh, and contrast. In the video below, you’ll see how one pro determines the “sweet spot” of every lens he owns.

Dan Havlik  |  Nov 17, 2017  | 

Photographer Manny Ortiz and his pretty model wife Diana are our one of our favorite couples on YouTube for helpful photography tips videos. This week they take a slightly different approach in discussing a potentially touchy subject: what do you do when your partner is uncomfortable with you photographing someone of the opposite sex?

Ron Leach  |  Nov 16, 2017  | 

We often post creative photo hacks with fun ways to capture eye-catching images using cheap, easy-to-find items. The five tricks you see in this quick tutorial are different from others we’ve posted, and while you may have to spend a few bucks on supplies, the effects are really cool.

Ron Leach  |  Nov 16, 2017  | 

Do you fully understand the difference between the Saturation and Vibrance tools that are common to most image-editing programs? Many photographers use both when processing images, and while they are quite similar, there are also important differences.

Ron Leach  |  Nov 15, 2017  | 

The headline above may be a bit of a stretch, at least for now. But in the quick video below, you’ll see how new technology from Nvidia can create photorealistic faces, like those you see here, of people who don’t really exist.

Ron Leach  |  Nov 15, 2017  | 

Most photographers would prefer to be out shooting, rather than sitting behind a computer editing their images. And when you have a large number of files to process, the task often feels like watching paint dry.
