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Ron Leach  |  Feb 13, 2018  | 

When shooting outdoors, you sometimes have the luxury of waiting until the light is right. Other times, you’re stuck with what nature provides, and you just have to do the best you can. In this tutorial, you’ll see how to process natural light portraits shot under harsh midday sun.

Ron Leach  |  Feb 12, 2018  | 

Apropos of the old adage that, “The best camera is the one you have with you,” the video below explores a question a lot of photographers have been asking; namely, do you really need a high-end compact camera if you own a state-of-the-art camera phone?

Ron Leach  |  Feb 12, 2018  | 

This is the latest tutorial in an ongoing series of photo primers we’re featuring, designed to give you a better understanding of how a camera works so that you can choose the best settings for the scene you are shooting. This episode explains the Aperture Priority exposure mode and when you should use it.

Ron Leach  |  Feb 12, 2018  | 

It’s always fun to see what goes into making today’s innovative photography gear, and in the video below you’ll get a behind-the-scenes tour of a Fujifilm factory where cameras and lenses are manufactured.

Ron Leach  |  Feb 09, 2018  | 

Whether you’re an amateur photographer or an experienced pro, nearby city streets offer great opportunities for making captivating images, especially when you run out of other ideas. This quick tutorial discusses five common mistakes, and how to avoid them when shooting on the street.

Ron Leach  |  Feb 09, 2018  | 

Fasten your seatbelts, because this two-minute tutorial demonstrates 25 simple and very helpful Lightroom tricks in less than two minutes. In fact, you may want to jot down a few notes and watch the video twice.

Ron Leach  |  Feb 09, 2018  | 

One lesson all outdoor photographers learn is that there’s a big difference between a beautiful location and a great landscape photograph. That’s because no matter how gorgeous the setting, if you arrive on a cloudless day with poor light and drab colors, there’s not much you can do to capture a stunning shot.


Ron Leach  |  Feb 08, 2018  | 

The video below is a followup to Monday’s tutorial explaining how to make the most of a wide-angle lens for epic landscape photography. In today’s lesson you’ll see why one pro says, “You need a telephoto lens for landscape photography,” and he provide helpful tips on how to use one.

Ron Leach  |  Feb 08, 2018  | 

The task of colorizing B&W photos has becoming increasingly popular, and far easier to accomplish, thanks to the sophisticated software that’s available these days. In this tutorial, you’ll see how easy it is to create beautiful, natural-looking color portraits from B&W originals.

Ron Leach  |  Feb 08, 2018  | 

We’re always eager to receive the latest tutorial from Vincent Ledvina, because he’s an adept photographer with serious animation skills that enable him to create some very special videos. In this episode, he reveals what he considers to be the five biggest misconceptions about photography.

Dan Havlik  |  Feb 08, 2018  | 

Shutterbug columnist Scott Kelby is a Photoshop and Lightroom master. But in the below software tips video, Kelby shows how you don’t need to be an expert to fix a common problem in your images.

Ron Leach  |  Feb 07, 2018  | 

Every so often we hear from photographers who are new to Photoshop or Lightroom, requesting editing tutorials designed for beginners. If this sounds familiar, we’ve got you covered with the basic Lightroom primer below. 

Ron Leach  |  Feb 07, 2018  | 

Jessica Kobeissi is a professional fashion photographer whose portrait tutorials we share often. This behind-the-scenes video is a bit different, as she uses a $100 Polaroid Snap camera to photograph a model in her home studio.

Ron Leach  |  Feb 07, 2018  | 

Sometimes you have to wonder who came up with the terminology used to describe how cameras work and the way we make pictures. In this humorous video, photographers Tony and Chelsea Northrup reveal what they think are among the dumbest terms in photography.

Ron Leach  |  Feb 06, 2018  | 

Millions of people from across the globe visit Yosemite every year, many of whom are photographers eager to capture the natural splendors that California’s national park has to offer. And when the stars align for two weeks in February to light up Horsetail Fall, a spectacular event occurs, making the water look like lava flowing from a volcano.
