Photo Accessory Reviews

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Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Dec 09, 2016  | 

Last week we explored seven great photo gifts under $100. If you missed that installment, you can find it here. This week we take it down a notch in price, but truth be told, this collection of goodies is just as cool—if not cooler—than the last one.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Nov 24, 2016  | 

Is that your shutter snapping or your teeth chattering? If cold weather is bad for your body, it’s even worse for your camera body. Moisture of any kind is a camera killer. And freezing temperatures contribute to everything from internal condensation to diminished battery performance. Herewith, then, are my seven favorite cold weather tips and accessories. 

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Nov 10, 2016  | 

As the name implies, the Fotodiox LED Studio-in-a-Box is a self-contained tabletop studio that features interior LED lighting that has a daylight color balance of 5600 Kelvin. The CRI, or Color Rendering Index, is 85 (on a scale 0 to 100).

Staff  |  Nov 08, 2016  | 

The Goods spotlights the hottest premium photo gear out there. If you have a product you’d like considered for The Goods, e-mail images and info to

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Sep 01, 2016  | 

My friend Kasia (not her real name) bought a Click Bit bracelet last month to track her photography activity and immediately became obsessed with recording every detail of her camera life. Not passively obsessive, either—she’s become a compulsive, fanatical, evangelistic, raving maniac. But let’s go back to when she was still just chubby Kassie…

Ron Leach  |  Jul 21, 2016  | 

As new cameras continue to offer higher and higher resolution, and many photographers are shooting and saving memory-intensive Raw files and 4K video, some of us have begun to outgrow the capacity of our storage devices. Seagate has addressed this issue with the introduction of a new 10TB drive that combines enormous storage capacity with high performance and a relatively affordable price.

Jason Schneider  |  Jun 30, 2016  | 

According to official stats, more photos are taken during spring and summer than during any other time of year. Now that the outdoor shooting season is in full swing, more photographers are on the go—shooting on assignment, traveling to vacation destinations, or just hitting the road to have some fun.

Joe Farace  |  Jun 28, 2016  | 

When people asked legendary editor Herbert Keppler why he sometimes wrote about cameras costing more than the average photographer could afford, he told me it was because of the Maserati factor. “Most people,” he said, “can’t afford a Maserati but like reading about them.” And I get that. My personal dream car is a 1961 Maserati 3500 GT, which sells for north of $450,000. Fortunately, medium format cameras, while expensive, cost less than that.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Jun 24, 2016  | 

No, we’re not cooking color slides and film negatives in a pop-up toaster like Eggo waffles. The FilmToaster is a device that enables you to create digital image files from virtually any size film or transparency up to 4x5. You supply the DSLR and macro lens. If you have a shoebox full of family negs like many of us do, prepare to bring those old images back to life. 

Staff  |  Apr 26, 2016  | 

THE GOODS is a new feature in Shutterbug that spotlights the hottest premium photo gear out there.

Joe Farace  |  Apr 08, 2016  | 

Many years ago, along with some fellow writers, I visited an Agfa—remember them?—facility in Brussels. During the tour one of the leaders asked, “What do you think of the idea of adding a phone to a digital camera?” We all laughed and thought it was the dumbest idea we’d ever heard. It turned out that he was asking the wrong question; it should have been, “What do you think of adding a camera to a phone?”

Jack Neubart  |  Mar 16, 2016  | 

You don’t compromise on the camera you choose, so why do that with the neck strap, sling or harness you use while shooting? There are a variety of attractive options that combine improved functionality with style, and here are seven of our favorites for carrying your DSLR or mirrorless camera.

Joe Farace  |  Feb 26, 2016  | 

Here are some tips I discovered when researching this month’s column. One was from my wife who uses this technique all the time—smile! And you know what, people smile back, making you appear friendly and non-threatening. The other was from Michael Archambault, who suggests you “acknowledge that street photography is not perfect.” Or as my grandfather once told me, “If you spend your whole life looking for happiness, it’ll make you miserable.”

Joe Farace  |  Feb 02, 2016  | 

I think my urge to customize cameras comes from a love of cars. I can’t seem to leave my cars alone and each one has touches that make it unique. I think that’s why everybody gets really personal when it comes to finding, using, and often treasuring photographic accessories, gadgets, and gizmos. It helps if the source is obscure, foreign, and off the beaten track, which only adds to the exclusivity. And why not? The whole idea is to seek out photo accessories that accomplish something camera and lens manufacturers didn’t think to make but perfectly fills a niche in your own photographic pursuits.
