Outdoor Photography How To

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Henry Anderson  |  Oct 27, 2021  | 

Pro photographer Toma Bonciu (AKA Photo Tom) teaches landscape photography to beginners through his photo workshops. And during these tutorial sessions, he witnesses the many mistakes beginner landscape photographers often make.

Ron Leach  |  Oct 26, 2021  | 

For those new to wildlife photography, birds provide a great opportunity for capturing impressive images. If you’re lucky enough to have a wildlife refuge nearby, that’s a great place to start. But you can also make some great photographs in your own backyard.

Ron Leach  |  Oct 26, 2021  | 

Not everyone has an opportunity to go on safari to photograph rare and wild animals, but most of us have a zoo nearby which is often the next best thing. The problem is that most images shot at the zoo look like were shot at the zoo.

Adam Jones  |  Oct 25, 2021  | 

(Editor’s Note: Exploring Light is a monthly Shutterbug column featuring tips, tricks, and photo advice from professional photographers in the Canon Explorers of Light and Canon Legends education program. This month's column is by Adam Jones with tips on photographing wildlife and landscapes in our National Parks.

Ron Leach  |  Oct 25, 2021  | 

Arriving at perfect exposures by combining multiple images can be a rather complicated task. But today you’ll learn how to use Photoshop’s relatively unknown Apply Image Tool to get the job done fast with great results.

Ron Leach  |  Oct 21, 2021  | 

All photographers strive to make images with maximum sharpness and detail, but depending upon conditions that goal isn’t always easy to accomplish. Sometimes you can improve soft photos during the editing process, but the preferred approach is to use proper shooting techniques so you get what you want in the camera.

Ron Leach  |  Oct 21, 2021  | 

The practice of dodging and burning to manipulate exposure in different areas of an image dates back to the early days of film photography and the wet darkroom. Today we do the same thing in the digital darkroom to add drama and depth to our photos.

Henry Anderson  |  Oct 21, 2021  | 

Mads Peter Iversen is a professional landscape photographer, but he freely admits that he still makes mistakes. Iversen even says that two major photography mistakes he makes are ones that beginner photographers typically struggle with.

Ron Leach  |  Oct 20, 2021  | 

Have you ever marveled at long exposure nighttime photos and said to yourself, “I wish I could do that?” Actually you can, because these striking images of colorful light trails from cars and other eye-popping effects are quite easy to achieve.

Ron Leach  |  Oct 19, 2021  | 

There are a number of ways to portray sunset scenes, from images with a natural-looking effect to those that are more vibrant and intense. You can sometimes achieve the look you’re after in the camera, but other times a bit of processing is required.

Ron Leach  |  Oct 18, 2021  | 

Tilt-shift lenses are very powerful tools for all sorts of shooting from landscape to architectural photography. They enable you to fine-tune perspective and enhance depth of field by maximizing focus throughout an entire scene.

Ron Leach  |  Oct 15, 2021  | 

Spring is long gone, and summer ended almost a month ago, but that doesn’t mean the time for capturing great macro images is over. There are many opportunities to pursue close-up photography year-round.

Ron Leach  |  Oct 14, 2021  | 

We all fall into a creative rut on occasion, and that’s often because we take the same approach to whatever we shoot. For portraits we typically reach for a short telephoto, and a wide-angle lens is usually our choice for landscape photography.

Ron Leach  |  Oct 14, 2021  | 

Landscape and travel scenes can be particularly striking when captured in black and white. Some photographers set their camera to monochrome so they can see the effect on the LCD screen, while others prefer to shoot in color and make the conversion during the editing process.

Ron Leach  |  Oct 13, 2021  | 

Danish pro Mads Peter Iversen has spent years polishing his skills and developing a unique style of landscape photography. Like all accomplished photographers he’s made a few mistakes along the way, and in the video below he explains how to correct a common error so you don’t make it yourself.
