Outdoor Photography How To

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Jack Neubart  |  Jan 12, 2018  | 

One might say that Ben Cooper rocketed to stardom in high school. Back then he knew nothing about space launches, except for the fact that he wanted to shoot them. While not a sci-fi fan, he found himself captivated by the entire concept of going into space.

Ron Leach  |  Jan 12, 2018  | 

Here’s an awesome deal that belies the old adage that you only get what you pay for. That’s because you can download this excellent free guide to landscape photography with a click of your mouse.

Ron Leach  |  Jan 10, 2018  | 

The goal with most tutorials we post is to provide helpful tips for improving your photography, along with striking imagery you may want to emulate. But sooner or later it’s important to develop a style of your own, and the video below will get you started.

Ron Leach  |  Jan 05, 2018  | 

We typically keep our videos and tutorials to half an hour or less, but we’re making an exception today, with a fascinating 50-minute documentary on landscape photography that includes beautiful imagery and great ideas for improving your work. 

Ron Leach  |  Jan 05, 2018  | 

If you’ve ever tried your hand at photographing birds, you know that our feathered friends can be elusive and very difficult to capture. In this tutorial you’ll learn 10 simple tips and tricks for shooting great photos of birds at the beach.

Dan Havlik  |  Jan 04, 2018  | 

The temperatures dipped well below freezing on the East Coast to kick off 2018 and photographer Jonathan Nimerfroh was back at it this week, shooting more incredible images of “slurpee” waves on Nantucket, MA.

Ron Leach  |  Jan 04, 2018  | 

Street shooters work differently than landscape and portrait photographers, who typically have plenty of time to set up their shot and make thoughtful decisions about exposure, focus, and composition. Street photography, on the other hand, is all about timing and working fast, to capture fleeting moments as they occur.

Ron Leach  |  Jan 04, 2018  | 

The art of photographing surfers requires special skills and a few tricks of the trade. In the 50-second video below, you’ll learn five great photography hacks that you can use when shooting in the water, or even while capturing seascapes from the shore.

Ron Leach  |  Jan 02, 2018  | 

Creativity is an elusive gift: Sometimes it’s there, other times it’s not. And sooner or later, even the best photographers find themselves adrift in the doldrums and can’t think of anything interesting to shoot. To prepare for the next time the winds of creativity stop blowing, watch the video below from one of the world’s most prolific and notable photographers.

Ron Leach  |  Jan 02, 2018  | 

Good composition skills are important for all types of photography, and when it comes to shooting landscapes they can be difficult to master because of the often-complicated nature of outdoor scenes. In the tutorial below, you’ll learn six valuable tips that will help you compose landscape photos with more power and impact.

Ron Leach  |  Dec 28, 2017  | 

Sunsets and many afternoon landscape scenes are usually resplendent in soft warm colors, and a typical approach to editing such images is to enhance those red and orange tones. This Lightroom tutorial takes a different approach, by emphasizing cool tones within a photograph to create a unique look that still appears natural.

Ron Leach  |  Dec 27, 2017  | 

Manny Ortiz is a Chicago-based pro whose outdoor portrait tutorials we feature regularly. In the quick video below, he provides a behind-the-scenes look as he photographs two models at once on the streets of the windy city.

Ron Leach  |  Dec 27, 2017  | 

One of the many joys of photography is travelling to unfamiliar locations and capturing images of unique scenes you can’t find at home. But what if you arrive at a location amidst poor weather conditions, or at the wrong time of day with nothing but “bad light”? 

Dan Havlik  |  Dec 20, 2017  | 

Shutterbug photographer Jordan Matter is back with another photography how-to video, offering tips on getting the most out of your 50mm lens. 

Ron Leach  |  Dec 20, 2017  | 

It’s amazing how cityscapes that appear drab during the day are transformed into sparkling scenes at night—just begging to be photographed. And this time of the year, when festive holiday lights often adorn the urban landscape, nighttime photography in the city can be more interesting than ever.
