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Ron Leach  |  Jul 17, 2017  | 

The big “controversy” of yesteryear was whether film or digital cameras made the most sense for serious photographers. These days there’s a similar debate about the relative merits of PC computers and Macs for editing photos and videos.

Ron Leach  |  Jul 17, 2017  | 

Serge Ramelli is a professional Paris-based landscape photographer who’s always willing to share his “secret sauce” for creating better images. In the tutorial below he provides some great advice on composition, camera settings, and retouching that will definitely improve your results.

Ron Leach  |  Jul 17, 2017  | 

Backlighting is a popular technique used by both studio and outdoor photographers when shooting portraits and other types of images. In this tutorial you’ll learn how to use Photoshop layer masks and filters to mimic this popular effect.

Ron Leach  |  Jul 14, 2017  | 

In the latest in an almost unbelievable series of service advisories for their D750 DSLR, Nikon has announced an expanded shutter service advisory for this apparently snakebitten camera.

George Schaub  |  Jul 14, 2017  | 

While it might seem unusual that a camera can be both mirrorless and have a medium format size sensor, that’s exactly what Fujifilm has created with their new GFX 50S. The 51.4MP CMOS sensor size is 43.8x32.9mm, 1.7x the size of the sensor in a full-frame DSLR; the body is decidedly mirrorless, lacking a pentaprism finder and replacing it with an EVF and a tiltable rear LCD. 

Ron Leach  |  Jul 14, 2017  | 

Yesterday we provided three tips for shooting great landscape photos under drab gray skies. In the tutorial below we’re going to show you an editing technique for pumping up nature photos you’ve already taken.

Ron Leach  |  Jul 14, 2017  | 

Adobe’s Julieanne Kost calls herself a “Digital Imaging Evangelist” and she’s widely known for her expert Photoshop and Lightroom tutorials. In the three-minute video below she demonstrates how to use Lightroom Web to create beautiful black-and-white conversions with creative toning effects.

Shutterbug Staff  |  Jul 13, 2017  | 

Without a doubt, the most popular images on the Internet (aside from cat photos) are of sunrises and sunsets. What is it about these daily acts of nature that so inspire us? It’s hard to say but easy to see. 

Ron Leach  |  Jul 13, 2017  | 

Serious landscape photographers are known for chasing great light. But what happens when you travel to a beautiful location and there’s simply no magic in the sky? All is not lost if you use the techniques described in the video below.

Ron Leach  |  Jul 13, 2017  | 

New York photographer Brandon Woelfel is a force to be reckoned with on Instagram, with a unique shooting style and over a million followers. Last week we shared a free Lightroom preset to give your images the “Brandon Woelfel Effect,” and in the video below you’ll learn how to mimic his style in camera.

Ron Leach  |  Jul 13, 2017  | 

Portrait lighting can be an art form in and of itself. But in the quick tutorial below you’ll learn how to create dramatic portraits using nothing more than two basic off-camera speedlights and some simple adjustments.

Ron Leach  |  Jul 12, 2017  | 

(Editor’s Note: With this Field Review, the Sony A9 has received Shutterbug’s Top Clicks award for exhibiting exceptional quality. Read about our Top Clicks award at this URL:

Ron Leach  |  Jul 12, 2017  | 

While the meaning of the term “shutter speed” may seem obvious, there’s actually more to this concept than meets the eye. In the quick video below, time-lapse photographer Vincent Ledvina puts his animation skills to good use demonstrating the finer points behind this basic photographic principle.

Ron Leach  |  Jul 12, 2017  | 

You may be surprised to learn that long-exposure photography at night can be accomplished without any specialized equipment, and if you watch this two-minute tutorial from Mango Street you’ll be able to easily capture stellar images of starlit skies.
