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Ron Leach  |  Aug 14, 2017  | 

We’ve all heard that photography “rules” are meant to be broken on occasion, but in the video below photographer Benjamin Jaworskyj takes this notion a bit further—claiming that five common precepts of photography are out-and-out ‘lies.”

Ron Leach  |  Aug 14, 2017  | 

Landscape photographers often shoot at smaller apertures to increase depth of field in their images. But while that technique can deliver an “acceptable” zone of sharpness in both the foreground and background, there’s a better approach if what you’re striving for are spectacular images in which acceptable isn’t good enough.

Ron Leach  |  Aug 11, 2017  | 

We’ve been following the tragic July 16th shooting death of 71-year-old San Francisco photographer Edward French who was killed for his camera while photographing the sunrise from the popular Twin Peaks hilltop overlooking the city. Police have arrested two suspects in the murder and prosecutors say they have video evidence of the crime.

Ron Leach  |  Aug 11, 2017  | 

Whether you’re photographing exotic beetles in the rainforests of Ecuador like entomologist Phil Torres, or shooting more common insects in your backyard, the video below will help you capture dramatic images that look like they were shot in the studio.

Staff  |  Aug 11, 2017  | 

During a visit to the Nature and Raptor Center of Pueblo, a bird sanctuary in Pueblo, Colorado, Shutterbug reader Michelle Goodall captured this magnificent bald eagle image: “How could anyone resist taking a photo of something so beautiful?” 

Ron Leach  |  Aug 11, 2017  | 

Like many techniques we employ when processing our images, a little sharpening goes a long, long way. And as Tony Northrup demonstrates in the video below, photographers who get too heavy-handed with making their images crispy, often inadvertently destroy what would otherwise be a nice photograph.

Ron Leach  |  Aug 10, 2017  | 

As part of Nikon’s 100th Anniversary celebration stock photo company depositphotos has analyzed millions of files from its stock photo library and released some very interesting statistics regarding Nikon usage throughout the world. 

The Editors  |  Aug 10, 2017  | 

Wildlife and nature are favorite subjects of our readers so we had tons of amazing images posted for this assignment in our online gallery at We had asked that before you went ahead and submitted every photo you’d ever shot of a bird or flower, that you should take some time sorting through your wildlife and nature images to pick out something truly special. 

Ron Leach  |  Aug 10, 2017  | 

“Day for Night” is a cinematic technique popularized in Francois Truffaut's classic 1973 film by the same name. The idea is to shoot during the day to create imagery that looks like it was captured after dark. In the Photoshop tutorial below you’ll learn how to do the same thing with still photos.

Ron Leach  |  Aug 10, 2017  | 

Many so-called “serious” shooters turn up their noses at mobile photography. But as you’ll see in the video below, we can all learn a thing or eight from photographers who know their way around a smartphone.

Ron Leach  |  Aug 09, 2017  | 

Summer is a great time for close-up photography of flowers, insects, and other tiny subjects. But macro gear can be really expensive, especially if you want to venture into the realm of super high magnification that exceeds a 1:1 reproduction ratio.

Seth Shostak  |  Aug 09, 2017  | 

It sounds like a reference to dull Halloween costumes, but I’ve always regarded unsharp masking as the Cadillac option for beefing up the acutance of my photos. Admittedly, this is probably just a reaction to the fact that unsharp masking has a complicated dialog box in Photoshop, and my reptilian brain is dazzled by lots of controls.

Ron Leach  |  Aug 09, 2017  | 

There are numerous methods for converting color images to black and white, and some are more effective than others. In the tutorial below you’ll see how to achieve super high-quality results using multiple hue/saturation sliders in Photoshop.

Shutterbug Staff  |  Aug 09, 2017  | 

Photographer Jo-Anne McArthur captured this adorable image of conservationist Raabia Hawa and her then newly rescued blind kitten Puppy outside of Nairobi, Kenya, last year. 

Ron Leach  |  Aug 09, 2017  | 

If you’re old enough to remember the New York Yankees legendary catcher and coach Yogi Berra you probably recall his famous quote, "It's déjà vu all over again.” With that in mind we thought we’d share this somewhat old 2015 tutorial because it’s just so darn cool.
