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Ron Leach  |  Nov 14, 2017  | 

If you’ve been following our product reviews, you know that one of the benefits of today’s advanced lenses is that they are designed to minimize lens flare, ghosting and other stray light artifacts. But what if you could use these light anomalies to create attractive portraits with a unique look?

Ron Leach  |  Nov 13, 2017  | 

Occasionally we all need a creativity boost, and one way to gain inspiration is by studying and emulating the work of a top pro. In the video below, you’ll pick up some great tips from the work of a famous Russian portrait photographer.

Ron Leach  |  Nov 10, 2017  | 

One never-ending challenge, regardless of the type of photographs you shoot, is to come up with new ideas for creating images that are somehow different from the rest. The two-minute tutorial below will help you do just that, with five interesting “portrait hacks” that deliver dramatic results.

Ron Leach  |  Nov 10, 2017  | 

The tutorial below is the second video in a new series by photographer Evan Ranft, in which he condenses a 60-minute excursion into less than eight minutes. In this episode of “One Hour of Photography,” Ranft takes you on a stroll along the Chattachoochee River in Atlanta’s East Palisades Park, and he provides several helpful tips on outdoor photography.

Ron Leach  |  Nov 10, 2017  | 

Sometimes it takes a familiar example to clarify the difference between two similar concepts, like in the video below. Photoshop expert Unmesh Dinda provides a clear understanding about the strengths and weaknesses of Photoshop’s Levels and Curves tools by comparing them to a simple calculator and a more advanced scientific calculator.

George Schaub  |  Nov 09, 2017  | 

I have been using Epson’s Advanced B&W Photo printing mode for many years in a series of the company’s desktop printers but always wished the print software offered a way to see my image adjustments in real time. So, when Epson announced their new Print Layout software, which offers a “live preview” (among other controls) in Advanced B&W Photo mode, I contacted them to give it a whirl. 

Barry Tanenbaum  |  Nov 09, 2017  | 

In 2006, Michael Crouser took the first photograph in his mountain ranch project. Ten years later he took the last image to complete Mountain Ranch, the book that grew from the project. He calls the book “an exploration of the disappearing world of cattle ranching in the mountains of Colorado,” but it’s more than that: it’s a story of the ties and traditions of families, and a story of an America that was, struggling to still be.

Ron Leach  |  Nov 09, 2017  | 

Whether you’re a professional photographer or a passionate amateur, one sure way to shoot better is to learn how to shoot faster, so you never miss capturing a fleeting moment. In the quick video below, the folks at Mango Street demonstrate three ways to customize a camera so everything you need is right at your fingertips.

Ron Leach  |  Nov 09, 2017  | 

One challenge when shooting outdoors on a bright day is achieving an exposure long enough to create a dreamy look when photographing water, clouds, and other slowly moving subjects. In this tutorial, you’ll learn why one pro says, “A 10X neutral density (ND) filter is the perfect tool for extending exposure time and creating amazing photos.”

Ron Leach  |  Nov 09, 2017  | 

Here’s a quick Lightroom tutorial that that will help you create more impressive portrait photos by using a simple Split-Toning technique to control the hues of both highlights and shadows in an image.

Ron Leach  |  Nov 08, 2017  | 

Panasonic just introduced the Lumix G9, a new flagship camera promising blazing speed, high image quality and a host of other powerful features.  The camera boasts a 20.3MP Live MOS sensor, with the capability of providing 80MP in-camera images in JPEG/Raw formats.

Ron Leach  |  Nov 08, 2017  | 

Every once in a while we all need an interesting project to get the creative juices flowing, and the DIY photo tips in the video below provide a great way to have some fun and blast your way out of the doldrums.

Ron Leach  |  Nov 08, 2017  | 

For whatever reason, lens filters have become less popular in the digital age—except perhaps among nature photographers. In the video below, you’ll learn what one pro says are the “essential filters” that all landscape photographers should have on hand.

Ron Leach  |  Nov 07, 2017  | 

One of the more interesting Kickstarter projects we saw at Photokina last fall was the versatile MIOPS Mobile Remote, enabling users to control DSLR and mirrorless cameras via Bluetooth with a robust smartphone app. 

Ron Leach  |  Nov 07, 2017  | 

One important consideration when comparing cameras with different size sensors is the depth of field they provide and how they render out of focus areas in a scene. In the “Bokeh Shootout” below, you’ll see photographer Bill Lawson make this comparison while shooting outdoor portraits with both full-frame and crop-sensor DSLRs.
