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Ron Leach  |  Dec 28, 2017  | 

Sunsets and many afternoon landscape scenes are usually resplendent in soft warm colors, and a typical approach to editing such images is to enhance those red and orange tones. This Lightroom tutorial takes a different approach, by emphasizing cool tones within a photograph to create a unique look that still appears natural.

Ron Leach  |  Dec 27, 2017  | 

Manny Ortiz is a Chicago-based pro whose outdoor portrait tutorials we feature regularly. In the quick video below, he provides a behind-the-scenes look as he photographs two models at once on the streets of the windy city.

Ron Leach  |  Dec 27, 2017  | 

One of the many joys of photography is travelling to unfamiliar locations and capturing images of unique scenes you can’t find at home. But what if you arrive at a location amidst poor weather conditions, or at the wrong time of day with nothing but “bad light”? 

Ron Leach  |  Dec 27, 2017  | 

A couple months ago we reported that DXO Labs had acquired the very popular Nik Collection of imaging-editing software from Google. That news was greeting enthusiastically by users of the popular Nik plugins for Photoshop and Lightroom, because Google had earlier said they no longer planned to support or update the seven-plugin package.

Dan Havlik  |  Dec 27, 2017  | 

There are a variety of new things under the Sony A7R III’s hood, including the ability to shoot 10 frames per second (fps) continuous bursts of images at full resolution, 4K video recording across the width of its full-frame sensor, longer battery life, and a host of other features.

Ron Leach  |  Dec 22, 2017  | 

The next time you mistakenly shoot flat, underexposed portraits, and it’s too late for a do-over, the simple tutorial below will save the day. This Photoshop technique is as quick to accomplish as the video is to watch, and you’ll be surprised at the excellent results.

Ron Leach  |  Dec 22, 2017  | 

Capturing sharp, well-composed images of birds in flight can be a real challenge, even for experienced wildlife photographers. Fortunately, you can greatly increase your odds of success by watching the following tutorial from our friends Tony and Chelsea Northrup.

Shutterbug Staff  |  Dec 22, 2017  | 

Want to learn how to take better photos? Shutterbug has teamed up with Canon to create a comprehensive new educational site featuring photography tips, how-tos, product reviews, inspirational stories and helpful videos to take your photo skills to the next level.

Ron Leach  |  Dec 22, 2017  | 

Here's a tutorial for photographers who’d like to try their hand at portraiture, but lack the specialized skills and expensive lighting equipment they think are necessary. As you’ll see in this video, all you really need for great results are the quick tips below and a large window.

The Editors  |  Dec 21, 2017  | 

Today’s camera gear is faster than ever and much of it is tailor-made for capturing any sort of motion or movement. So then why do so many photographers struggle to shoot compelling images of action, adventure, and energy? Part of it has to do with timing and part of it has to do with composition. Your camera and lens can only do so much and there’s more to a great action shot than simply capturing the moment and making sure it’s in focus. 

Ron Leach  |  Dec 21, 2017  | 

It’s that time of year again, when our friends at TheCameraStoreTV knock back a few drinks and reveal what they consider the “Best & Worst Photo/Video Gear of the Year.” If you saw our post from 2016, you know that these annual “awards” are informative and hilarious.

Ron Leach  |  Dec 21, 2017  | 

It’s not often that one has an opportunity to glean wisdom from six of the world’s top photographers, but that’s exactly what you’ll find in the eye-opening video below. In just six minutes, you’ll pick up 13 composition tips that will definitely improve your photography.

Ron Leach  |  Dec 21, 2017  | 

Our friends at LensRentals, a leading online source for renting photo and video equipment, is offering a 20% discount to Shutterbug readers for orders placed before March 1, 2018. This is a pretty sweet deal, and is in celebration of the recently announced strategic partnership between LensRentals and another great rental source, LensProToGo.

Ron Leach  |  Dec 20, 2017  | 

One important, yet frequently overlooked, consideration when processing images, is choosing the proper file format for the task at hand. And as you’ll see in the video below, the correct decision isn’t as obvious as you may think.

Ron Leach  |  Dec 20, 2017  | 

How often have you captured what you thought was a great photograph, only to learn later that your “money shot” was soft and destined for the trash? We all miss focus on occasion, especially in low light, but the quick video below will help you keep those mistakes to a minimum.
