Family Photography How To

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Lou Jacobs Jr.  |  Oct 23, 2012  |  First Published: Sep 01, 2012  | 

Mobile, Alabama-based photographer Laura Cantrell says, “Mothers trust me to capture and preserve the magic in childhood.” Her photography business in Mobile was inherited from her father who sent his 17-year-old daughter on her first assignment to photograph a train wreck with a 4x5 Speed Graphic. By assisting her dad at weddings and shooting portraits she learned lighting, posing, and how to please clients.

Lou Jacobs Jr.  |  Apr 02, 2012  |  First Published: Feb 01, 2012  | 

Portrait photographers are responsible for a lot of happiness among a wide variety of people, because well-done family pictures grow more valuable yearly. They usually portray infants, seniors, friends, and relatives, though sometimes portraits are interpretations of unusual subjects. Thomas Balsamo knows this because he has 30 years of experience photographing families and children. His work has also led him to a personal project that originated when his good will and curiosity were extended toward individuals or groups who found their portrait sittings emotionally and psychologically unusual, as well as uplifting.

Shutterbug Staff  |  Nov 30, 2024  | 

If you're lucky enough to have a genuine camera store within driving distance, count your blessings and cash in on their expertise. Today is Small Business Saturday, so shop local, grab lunch at a local spot and support the local businesses that make our communities unique.

Ron Leach  |  May 24, 2017  | 

Jennifer Borget is a photographer and journalist who offers great advice on simple ways to take dynamic photos. She’s also an energetic mother of two young children, and in the quick tutorial below she demonstrates how you can shoot self-portraits with your kids that you’ll cherish forever.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Dec 03, 2021  | 

Like many obsessive hobbies, photography has its share of widely-believed falsehoods. We’ve all been guilty of repeating some fiction, partly because many of the fables are so damn believable. Let’s take a closer look at a few of these myths from a new angle.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Apr 16, 2020  | 

Like you, I’m looking for sensible indoor activities during this temporary quarantine. I’ve tried a few. Juggling was fun but there are still stains on the ceiling and glass particles in the carpet. So I told my family that instead of throwing things up in the air and dropping them I’d buy a ukulele and learn to play it. They said they’d support my musical inclinations, but of course, they’d miss having me around, too. Ultimately I turned to my very most favorite pastime. And after that short nap, I thought about photography.
