Photo How To

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Dan Havlik  |  Aug 06, 2019  | 

Shooting long exposures images can produce some very striking results. But there's not just one way to capture a long exposure shot that will get noticed.

Ron Leach  |  Jun 30, 2023  | 

Our craft is resplendent with so-called "rules" or "laws" of photography that you've no doubt heard repeated time and time again. Many of these pertain composition, like the Rule of Thirds, Leading Lines, the Golden Ratio, and others that sometimes are useful and in certain situations are meant to be ignored.

Ron Leach  |  Mar 17, 2022  | 

It’s amazing how a basic tweak in Photoshop or Lightroom can make a huge difference in an image. Sometime all that’s required is a boost in saturation, while other times a bit more sharpness or contrast is what takes.

Ron Leach  |  Aug 02, 2023  | 

There are numerous reasons you may want to adjust or change the color of objects in your images. Maybe a model's dress clashes with the background, or perhaps you're shooting seascapes at golden Hour and the warm light biases the tones of the water. The list is almost endless.

Ron Leach  |  Oct 11, 2023  | 

One characteristic of great landscape photos is an abundance of depth and dimension in the shot. Today we're featuring a remarkably simple image-editing trick that will help you achieve that goal. Best yet, this method works wonders with whatever software you use.

Shutterbug Staff  |  Nov 14, 2018  | 

Photographer Sorelle Amore is here to give you a pep talk. If you thought you can’t make money as a photographer, you are wrong. In fact, as she points out in the below video, there are (at least) 31 ways you can make money as a photographer.

Shutterbug Staff  |  May 31, 2019  | 

Every Friday we share an easy photography tips and tricks video and here's one with 33 DIY photo hacks you can try this weekend. While the video is geared toward the smartphone camera set, you can easily use these same tips and tricks with your regular camera as well.

Henry Anderson  |  Dec 23, 2021  | 

If you're like us, you probably have some free time coming up over the winter holidays. And if you're like us, you're probably itching to shoot some cool photos either with your camera or smartphone.

Ron Leach  |  Jul 06, 2022  | 

One of the most difficult challenges when photographing landscapes is balancing the wide range of tones from deep shadows to bright highlights that often occur in outdoor scenes. In fact, sometimes the density range is so great that’s it’s impossible to precisely exposure the image.

Henry Anderson  |  Jul 27, 2022  | 

If you like experimenting with your smartphone camera, you’re going to love this tutorial. In the video below from COOPH, they show you four photo tricks you can do with your smartphone at home.

Ron Leach  |  Dec 14, 2017  | 

If there’s one bit of advice we’ve all heard a million times, it’s “Be sure and use a tripod.” Yet, despite the fact that sharp images are the goal of just about everyone, it’s sort of amazing how many times photographers “forget” to bring along a tripod.

Dan Havlik  |  Dec 17, 2019  | 

Let's face it: traditional winter holiday portraits can be dull as dust. If you want to give your Christmas photos a fun, modern look this holiday season, follow the four easy portrait ideas from Tajreen&Co in the below video.

Ron Leach  |  Mar 21, 2018  | 

Here’s a fun tutorial that’s guaranteed to give you a creativity boost in under four minutes, with four DIY macro photography tips on shooting eye-popping images of water. Austrian pro Leo Rosas teamed up with our friends at the Cooperative of Photography (COOPH) to come up with these cool ideas.

Ron Leach  |  Jun 02, 2017  | 

This is the time of year when many photographers pull out their macro lenses to capture close-up images of spring flowers and tiny critters. But as you’ll see in the video below from Nikon Europe, there’s a whole realm of other subjects that make for great macro shots.

Ron Leach  |  Aug 14, 2023  | 

One way to make wildlife and other outdoor subjects stand out is to shoot them against a clean background without distractions. While these are difficult to find in nature, there are ways to soften a cluttered background in post-processing. Today, however, you'll learn four simple techniques for getting the job done in the camera.
