Jon Sienkiewicz Blog

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Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Jul 21, 2013  | 
It used to be fun selecting film and developer combinations back in the Dim Ages of Photography, before digital happened. You can enjoy nearly the same experience today by processing images with Alien Skin Exposure 5.
Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Dec 11, 2015  | 

Just in time to add some nostalgic film effects to our holiday photos, Alien Skin has released Exposure X, a greatly enhanced refinement of its popular imaging software package. In its latest incarnation, Exposure X is designed to deliver image organization and editing—and it does an elegant job of both. But its greatest strength, as I see it, still lies in accurately emulating the look of film of all types, vintage and modern. Here is a close up view of how that works.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Aug 26, 2022  | 

Because Amazon is one of the world’s largest marketplaces for digital camera gear, checking out the best sellers in photo related categories provides a sense of what’s popular—and maybe even a few surprises.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Oct 08, 2015  | 

Alamby Leung is known to millions of photo enthusiasts as the girl who used to be a background character on the YouTube channel DigitalRev TV. We caught up with her recently and asked her how life is after leaving that popular show. 

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Jan 06, 2023  | 

If you have a recent iPhone it probably defaults to Live Photo and stores images as files that have an HEIC file name extension. Here’s how to change the default to shoot regular still images and save them as the JPEGs you’re accustomed to. But HEIC (High Efficiency Image File format), better known as HEIF, is better than JPEG in many ways, and after learning a bit about it you may not want to revert back to your old, comfortable JPEG files.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Jun 09, 2021  | 

Your mirrorless or DSLR camera probably offers four Exposure Modes: Program, Aperture, Shutter and Manual. Program Mode is easy, Manual Mode is slow, and Aperture Priority Mode is the best in most situations. Here’s why.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Apr 29, 2016  |  First Published: Apr 28, 2016  | 

Many, many years ago, in a silver halide universe far, far away, amateur photographers were divided into two camps. Their differences were not based on political orientation. And they had nothing to do with the Cold War, nationality, ideology or anything else so trivial. What was the division that separated otherwise rational people? Read on…

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Oct 13, 2023  | 

Can you buy a camera at a better price in Japan? Many factors suggest that this could seem like a logical conclusion. The Japanese yen has fallen in value against the US dollar over the past several months and now hovers near the psychological barrier of ¥150 to one US dollar. Skyrocketing inflation, stagnant export sales and a weak yen are exacerbating the struggles of the Japanese economy. Has this cocktail of financial havoc generated bargains for photographers?

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Sep 06, 2018  | 

Okay—you’ve taken all the prudent measures to protect your home and family from Mother Nature’s temper tirades. That’s terrific! But what about your cameras, image files and photographs? Whether or not you acknowledge global climate change, you’ve got to admit that there’s been some vicious weather juju going on recently. Let’s talk preparation.

Jon Sienkiewicz Blog  |  Nov 07, 2009  | 

I collect arrows. No, not the kind with feather fletching that archers launch from bows. I collect images of arrows, mainly those painted on pavement. I guess I have hundreds of them, but sadly they’re scattered all over the place because I didn’t realize I was collecting them until a couple years ago.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Oct 13, 2016  | 

If you live on a planet that doesn’t have lightning, you might make it through life without a surge protector. But if you live here on Earth, better pony up and use protection. 

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Oct 24, 2024  | 

Active photography entrepreneurs sometimes feel like they're working in an information vacuum because their workday leaves little time for rubbing elbows with their peers. Further complicating the isolation, it's natural for professional photographers to regard other pros as competitors, someone with whom it's unwise to share proprietary business details. It would be great to anonymously compare truthful notes. In this light, we welcome this peek behind the (shutter) curtain provided by Aftershoot.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Oct 17, 2019  | 

Guaranteed, you will be amazed how quickly and easily you can colorize old black and white snapshots, add life to classic public domain images, convert color infrared images into amazing works of art and more – automatically – with Photoshop Elements 2020. Here are step-by-step directions plus several examples to…

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Feb 16, 2024  | 

When we consider the bonehead blunders photographers unwittingly commit, we usually think about gross mistakes that result in fuzzy or poorly exposed images. But the error in this story produces SHARP images that we want to abort at all costs. The common tragic bungle we're identifying is…

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  May 08, 2019  | 

B&H Photo’s newest product is a Time Machine that rolls back everyone’s calendar to 2018, to the mail-order-friendly days before it became mandatory to pay sales tax on out-of-state purchases. B&H properly collects and remits the appropriate sales tax but instantly rebates the same amount to the purchaser who uses their new Payboo store credit card.
