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Jim Zuckerman  |  Dec 15, 2011  | 
Shooting in a studio intimidates a lot of photographers, but the truth is it’s not hard at all. There are a few basic lighting configurations to learn, and with the immediate feedback from the LCD monitor on the back of the camera, you can see immediately if you have the lighting, the pose, and the expression you want. In addition, you don’t need a huge space and it’s not necessary to spend thousands of dollars on lighting equipment. You can even set up a mini-studio with a $10 photoflood and a background with a white wall or a piece of black fabric.
 |  Oct 30, 2007  | 

Sundance Photographic Workshop students aiming for great shots at the
Cowboy Poetry Gathering and Buckaroo Fair

Students at the November 8-12 Sundance Photographic Workshop will have a unique
opportunity to capture performers backstage at the 2007 Cowboy Poetry Gathering
and Buckaroo Fair in Heber City, Utah. The popular event--billed...

 |  Jul 27, 2010  | 

Super High Contrast And “Tripod-Less” HDR

High-Speed Brackets

by George Schaub

HDR stands for “High Dynamic Range”, which means that there are times when one exposure can not possibly capture the very wide range of light values in a scene. The eye compensates for high contrast by opening andclosing...

Stan Trzoniec  |  Oct 18, 2012  | 

In all my years of shooting in the field, I have yet to meet a photographer who did not like the look, isolation qualities or the sharpness modern telephoto lenses offer.

When it comes to possibilities, they seem endless. Wildlife is at the top of the list for many, perhaps to focus in on that bright cardinal outside your window or to record that special wolf pack in Yellowstone. Whatever your subject, a long telephoto will bring it in closer, sharper and with more detail than you’ve ever experienced before. Buying a telephoto lens might mean spending as much or more than the camera in your hands right now, so knowing what to get, and what it will get you, is an important part of making any purchasing decision. With that in mind, here’s a number of frequently asked questions on the subject of telephotos.

 |  Jun 29, 2010  | 

Super Wides

Exaggerated Points Of View

by Jim Zuckerman

If you like straight, unaltered images and you diligently try to capture what you see with your eyes, super wide angle lenses are not for you. At the very least the images will give you a headache. However, if you like thinking outside the box (and sometimes outside...

 |  Mar 31, 2009  | 

Industry Perspective

Surge in Online Photofinishing

By Ron Leach

According to a recent report released by InfoTrends, online photofinishing revenues in the U.S. will surpass $1.5 billion by 2012—more than doubling since 2007. The largest growth category is expected to be custom photo gifts and merchandisew...

 |  Apr 01, 2007  | 

April 2007

the Cover

Big news this month on the digital camera front: The Nikon D40 has broken the
$600 barrier and a Leica legacy goes digital! To learn more about the Nikon
D40 and the Leica M8 besur...

 |  Aug 07, 2007  | 


the Cover

This month we reveal the real lowdown on inkjet paper--what you need to
know as a printmaker, but probably never asked. We also have a range of Test
Reports to meetyou...

Jack Neubart  |  Nov 17, 2012  | 
Tabletop photography can be a small product or it may be a fantasy world in miniature. It can be used to make flattering images of things you want to sell online, as a way to catalog a collection you own or as a photographic exercise for a rainy day.
 |  Feb 27, 2007  | 

Tamron Announces "Make You Mark" Photo Contest For Tamron
Lens Users

Now here's your chance to really make your mark as a photographer. Take a picture
of a natural or manmade landmark from anywhere on the four corners of the globe
and submit it to Tamron's 2007 Photo Contest: "Make Your Mark: Photographing
Natural orManm...

 |  Mar 31, 2009  | 

Test Report

Tamron SP AF10-24mm f/3.5-4.5 DiII LD Aspherical (IF) Super Wide, Lightweight Zoom

by George Schaub

There was time when those seeking super-wide lenses for APS-C size sensor cameras didn’t have much choice, but new light gathering systems that distribute light evenly from lens to sensor, as well as new...

George Schaub  |  May 08, 2007  | 

The versatility of the Tamron 18-250mm lens is evident in both close
focusing and when gathering in distant subjects. The crisp edges...
Ron Leach  |  May 29, 2007  | 

Technology Paves the Path

by Ron Leach

A decade ago pundits were describing the business of photography as a "sunset
industry," suggesting that the "smart money" should look elsewhere
for innovation and profits. Then came the digital revolution which not only
changed the manner in which we capture, share...

Jim Zuckerman  |  Dec 15, 2011  | 
Photographers love telephoto lenses. We can’t always get close to the subjects we want to shoot, and a telephoto lens allows us to fill a significant part of the frame with them. That makes a picture with a lot of visual impact. Virtually all subjects are dramatized by the use of a telephoto—wildlife, children, sports, nature, architectural design, flowers, and more.
 |  Sep 28, 2010  | 

Telling A Story With Your Pictures

Taking Your Audience Along

by Jim Zuckerman

There are many reasons why people travel. Some like the spirit of adventure and discovery, and others enjoy intermingling with people from other cultures and seeing the world from a different point of view. There are people who travel to sellt...
