Picture This

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Shutterbug Staff  |  Jun 01, 2005  | 

Judging from the amazing images we received from readers this month the art of the wall mural is alive and well and thriving in the US and abroad. The creativity of the artists, and the unique way in which the wall murals were photographed, is a great source of inspiration. We especially liked it when readers submitted images that included the context of the mural, or some ironic...

Shutterbug Staff  |  Mar 01, 2006  | 

Our Picture This! assignment for this month was "Wavin' Old Glory," and readers responded with a host of images that speak to the profound connection we all have with this powerful symbol. Many of the images spoke to the sacrifices of our men and women who have served in defense of our country, something that cannot but remind us of our brave troops serving...

Staff  |  Feb 01, 2010  | 

Our Picture This! assignment this month covered one of the metering patterns, spot metering. Spot is a great choice when you want to saturate a distinct color, or when you want to get the bright white highlight right, with compensation. Readers sent in a variety of images, some with color in mind, others when they wanted to open up shadow details that would become too dark using evaluative...

Staff  |  May 01, 2009  | 

Our Picture This! assignment this month is “A River Runs Through It,” where we asked readers to submit images of the cities of the world where rivers played an important role in the founding of the city and continue to serve as both working and recreational centers of activity. As we looked through the hundreds of images we received we felt like we were taking a trip around the world;...

Staff  |  Oct 01, 2010  | 

Most every camera sold has a built-in flash but many times we don’t make use of this handy item, keeping the flash on Auto (which with Auto ISO these days might just boost the speed rather than activate the flash) or turning it off for fear that it might ruin the natural light component of our images. The Picture This! assignment this month was using a touch of fill flash to add something...

Shutterbug Staff  |  Apr 01, 2007  | 

Our Picture This! assignment this month was Abstracts in Nature, and readers responded with a beautiful assortment of images from every type of environment and in every season. Each framed the world in a very special way, recognizing the divine in life as something the inspired eye can capture through the informed lens of a camera. In fact, this assignment probably brought in...

Staff  |  Feb 01, 2009  | 

Photographers have a keen eye, and part of that is noticing moments when people, places, and things converge in extraordinary fashion. Our Picture This! assignment this month asked readers to submit images that caught those “comings together” that held those odd coincidences in a single image. Readers used long lenses to compress space and bring disparate subjects closer, and wide...

Shutterbug Staff  |  Sep 01, 2005  | 

Our Picture This! assignment for this month was Background Blur, creating a sense of dimension in the photograph by playing a sharp foreground subject off against a blurry, or unsharp background. Readers sent in a wide variety of subjects, from flowers to statues to birds and carnival rides, all using this time-honored technique. Many used telephoto lenses to enhance the shallow...

Staff  |  Jun 01, 2009  | 

Our Picture This! assignment this month was “Backlight,” and readers responded with images that spoke of the wonders of light in this, perhaps the most challenging but many times the most rewarding, lighting condition. Many of the images brought back the words of the filmmaker Werner Herzog, who I will paraphrase here, when he said that images are our way of bearing witness to the...

Staff  |  Jul 01, 2009  | 

This month’s Picture This! assignment was “Bokeh,” the character of out-of-focus parts of the frame. Bokeh, Japanese for “fuzzy,” has been interpreted photographically (and philosophically) in many ways, but our take is how circles of confusion can be an enhancement when used to highlight and reinforce the main subject. Some claim that lenses with more blades form a...

Shutterbug Staff  |  Dec 01, 2007  | 

We're seeing red. We received so many great entries for this month's Picture This! assignment that we have red images everywhere--on our desks and picture wall. Clearly red holds a great deal of attraction for photographers, and we received lots of images of nature, painted buildings and signs, uniforms, fire engines, cars, birds, and more. Honing down to our...

Shutterbug Staff  |  Jul 01, 2006  | 

This month's Picture This! call was for "Colorful Carnivals" and readers responded with a wide range of shots from the midway. In many of the pictures you can almost hear the delighted screams of those on the rides and the barkers calling to the crowd to try their luck. Many of the shots were made at night, the time and light being the most complimentary to the...

Shutterbug Staff  |  Oct 01, 2006  | 

Light informs the content of an image. It shapes and creates volume out of a two-dimensional image, and leads the viewer's eye into and through the scene. Indeed, the literal definition of photography is "drawing with light." This month we asked readers to send us images under the heading "Directional Light," and the response was overwhelming, and...

Shutterbug Staff  |  May 01, 2007  | 

Double Exposure
Our Picture This! assignment for this month was Double Exposure. The challenge was to create multiple exposure images that combined various images in a way that enhanced the storytelling or created a new reality. Readers responded with a host of imaginative pictures that spoke to the newfound visual freedom of in camera and software and...

Shutterbug Staff  |  Apr 01, 2010  | 

Judging from the number of entries we received, readers really enjoy getting down…low, that is. We received images made in the middle of the road, on forest floors, and inside city parks and palaces. All the images share a low vantage point and look up at a world not often seen. This point of view can be quite startling, especially with deep depth of field employed.

