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Henry Anderson  |  Sep 11, 2019  | 

What are the best settings for landscape photography? As always with these types of questions, there is no real right or wrong answer. The best camera settings are, obviously, the ones that work best for you.

Ron Leach  |  Jan 11, 2021  | 

Last week we featured a tutorial with the best camera settings for photographing birds in your backyard. Because that story with so popular, we thought we’d do something similar today for landscape photographers.

Dan Havlik  |  May 08, 2018  | 

Serge Ramelli is a professional photographer and educator we turn to again and again for great photography tips and advice. In the below video he shares his favorite camera settings for shooting landscape photos.

Ron Leach  |  Feb 25, 2021  | 

It may not seem like it, given the horrendous winter weather that swept across the country last week, but the onset of spring is barely a month away. And the new season brings with it a variety of interesting opportunities for macro and close-up photography.

Henry Anderson  |  Oct 31, 2019  | 

What are the best camera settings for street photography? As usual, there are lots of opinions out there on how to set your gear to capture candid street photos.

Ron Leach  |  Nov 12, 2020  | 

One way to simplify the photographic process and get the best results possible is to configure your camera properly for the type of images you shoot. That's because the camera settings you choose for portraiture or still life photography can be inconvenient or worse the next time you go out to shoot landscape, sports or other types of images.

Ron Leach  |  Dec 13, 2021  | 

We regularly turn to British pro Nigel Danson for expert tips on capturing compelling landscape and travel photos. Today’s tutorial is a bit different, as he foregoes a discussion of gear and shooting techniques, and reveals what he says are the best exposure settings to use.

Shutterbug Staff  |  Oct 04, 2018  | 

Photographer Tom Mackie of Landscape Photography iQ says he’s so frequently asked what the best filters for landscape photography are, he decided to create a series of videos on the topic.

Henry Anderson  |  Feb 12, 2021  | 

One of the main questions that beginner boudoir photographers ask established pros is about their lens choices. It's something that Critsey Rowe of Couture Boudoir gets asked so often she decided to make a video about it titled "Undisputed BEST Lens for BOUDOIR Portrait Photography: Beginner Tips."

Henry Anderson  |  Sep 16, 2019  | 

Portrait lenses come in all shapes and sizes but some particular focal lengths, many photographers would argue, are better than others. In the below video, 

Ron Leach  |  Jan 26, 2021  | 

We still have a few weeks to go before winter gives way to spring, and the date of March 20 means different things to different photographers depending upon where they live. But whenever buds start blooming and bugs start buzzing, it’s time to start thinking about macro photography.

Jason Schneider  |  Aug 28, 2020  | 

When it comes to capturing timeless and transcendent photos, everyone knows that the person behind the camera is the most crucial factor and that the particular gear, he or she used, is less important. However, the camera is not insignificant to the creative process.

Ron Leach  |  Dec 02, 2016  | 

Back in 1885 a Vermont farmer had a crazy idea: He would combine his bellows camera with a microscope in an attempt to capture the fleeting beauty of snowflakes. Wilson Bentley was 19 back then, and by the time he passed away in 1931 he had made over 5,000 images of snowflakes.

Shutterbug Staff  |  Dec 08, 2020  | 

Shutterbug once again joined forces with GuruShots for another awesome photo challenge. This time, the title of the challenge was "Memorable Travel," and we asked you to submit your most stunning travel photos from years past.

Ron Leach  |  Jan 17, 2017  | 

These stunning images are among the winners of the 2016 Monochrome Awards, an international competition that celebrates the best black-and-white photography from across the globe. The photo above, from Polish photographer Piotr Musial took top honors in the Fashion/Beauty category.
